Announcement 2.0

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Here's another announcement lol!

So I, Imani, have started writing independently again! :D (YAY FOR ME!) lol.

Well, my latest story is called He Found Me! I'm so excited about this one, because I haven't really found another plot idea I'm as passionate about since EKNAQ and boy I am pretty excited about this one!!

So here's the description for it:

Camryn Williams met Daniel Miller at the tender age of sixteen. Everyone warned her about falling for a boy like him, but she refused to listen. She was mesmerized by his dreamy eyes and charming personality. He was her first everything and she didn't think they'd ever break up. 

After dating a while, he turned into a completely different person. He introduced Camryn to a world she'd heard about, but had never seen or experienced before. He completely changed her world upside and although it was more than hard, she continued to stand by him.

She stood by him for four years, until she found out she was pregnant with twins; that's when she realized she could not take it anymore and she had to get out for her kids. She packed all of her things and left, determined to protect her kids and herself from the monster.

After two years of running--changing her look and location every few months--he finds her and is determined to make her life a living hell yet again. The only question at hand is does Camryn have what it takes to survive everything coming her way?

If you're interested in it, the first chapter is UP on my page > ImaniTaylor_ < You can find it there. I'll also post the link at the end of this.

I also wanted to say thank you guys for your support and if you've read Every King Needs a Queen already, be sure to check out We've Got Some Growing Up to Do (The sequel to EKNAQ)! Don't forget to comment, vote and fan! Love you guys!!!

Here's the link > (I'm not sure if you guys will be allowed to click on the link so I will also leave the link in the comments section for those of you interested!)


- Imani .

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