Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen


As soon as things start going real good in my life, the devil always finds a way to fuck it up!

I start doing better in school and at my job, my smoking calms down, and I get a boyfriend. Then what they do? Lock him the fuck up! That's why I never give two fucks.

I really can't lie, I like Lavonte. I honestly don't know what it is about him, but he's special. Fuck me, though, right?

After telling my momma what happened last night, she tried to convince me that everything was going to be fine. I was hoping and praying she was right all last night and all morning.

I was still replaying my momma's comforting words as I jumped out the shower and started moisturizing my body. I threw my work clothes on and brushed my hair into a long ponytail. Why did I have to work today?

"Baby, I'm leaving. Make sure you lock the door, I love you!" My mommy screamed out, closing the front door behind her. She was off and I had to fucking work. Fuck my whole life!

"Welcome to Burger King. May I take your order?" I absolutely hated saying that same line over and over. That shit is really getting old.

"Uh, yeah, lemme get a number two and a number three." The young girl said. She looked around my age with a baby on her hip. I ain't tryna be mean, but fuck, that baby did the worse to her.

"Your total is $10.56." I replied as she went in her purse for her wallet. I swiped her card and handed her a receipt with her card and two large cups.

As I was handing the young girl her bags, the baby started boo-hoo crying. The girl was obviously tired and didn't know what to do, so she back-hand slapped the lil' baby- making her cry harder- and left. I was like ' dayuuuum' and began taking other people's orders.

Whew! I only had thirty more minutes to go and I couldn't be any happier. I'm proud of myself for working these long ass shifts, my check gon look super good. Then all my happiness turned into disgust.

Don't you just hate when you closing and one person come in, knowing the place close in five minutes? That's what this fat son of a bitch did about ten minutes ago.

Lawd, the man was fat and sloppy. He ordered two fucking whoppers and a big ass cold drink and fries. It wasn't junior whoppers either. After his big ass asked for all that, he had the audacity to ask for my number! The fuck? Bitch outta breath from ordering about 500 extra calories he don't need and thought he could get my number. Hell nah! The nasty memory kept replaying in my head as I drove home.

I cuddled up with my favorite soft pillow once I got of the tub. My mind wandered off to Lavonte. I really wanna know why they locked him up. In front of all them people, too? Fucking policemen.

First thing in the morning, I'm going to his momma's house to see if she know whaddup. Hopefully she does, tomorrow being my only day off and all.

"Kiya, come here." I heard my momma say from downstairs. Damn, I didn't feel like getting up at all.

"I'm coming, ma." I replied as I walked down the staircase. At first, all I saw was a tall, muscular frame. I got curious and went around to see who the mystery person was. It was my uncle, Big Mike, that nigga must've just got out of jail. "Uncle Big Mike!" I screamed jumping into my uncle's strong arms.

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