Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

 Ja'Kiya .



Pussy ass nigga wanna shoot a real bitch. I hate being in the hospital with all these doctors and shit. They don't really be trying to help people. I can't even fully remember why I had to come to this bitch when they could have taken care of my wound at home.

As I was sitting in the hospital bed, an Arabian nurse came in and adjusted some shit sitting next to me. The lady was short and had an ugly brown mole on the right of her top lip. I rolled my eyes and continued to try to trace my memory. I couldn't focus though because once the nurse left, my mom walked in.

"Hey, baby. I didn't even know you woke up. How you feeling? You hungry?"  My mom boomed with questions. 

I smiled at her motherly instincts, "I'm good, mommy. How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, sweetheart. You just worry about yourself."

"Well, I am tryna figure out why I'm in here. Ma, you know I don't care for hospitals."

"I know, baby, but I couldn't take care of a wound like that at home," she stated with an apologetic look. " You could be dead right now, 'Kiya. I still just can't believe them niggas shot you." She continued aloud but more to herself than me.

"So it's really that severe?" I asked because I was completely oblivious to that fact.

She made a little frown, "The doctors say that one of the bullets didn't go that far and well the other one.... it's still in there."

A bitch got shot twice and didn't even fucking know it. How the fuck you a surgeon but can only get one motherfucking bullet out of a fucking human being? People claiming these niggas certified and shit, they can really hold all that  bullshit bruh. Titling me as furious is a understatement right now!

"They say it was very deep and you had already lost too much blood from getting the first bullet out. It seems like it was the safest option, 'Kiya," My mom continued.

"I don't see how, I still got a goddamn bullet in my side!" I sighed. "How much longer Imma be in here?"

"I can't really say. I do know that they will start the surgery to get the other bullet out day after tomorrow."

"Where the motherfucker who caused me to be in here?" I screamed angrily. 

My mom looked at me with a calm-your-lil'-ass-down face and whispered, "Don't you remember Lavonte killing him after he shot you?"

"I really wish I did," I replied smiling wickedly. "Where is Lavonte anyway?"

"I sent him and your Uncle Big Mike home to take a shower and get a nap or something in."

"Oh," I stated simply. I'm just so pissed I have to stay in this place for some more days. "Ma?"

"Yes?" she replied as she took a sip of her coffee.

I snickered, "I was just wondering whose idea it was to say we were in a 'wrong place, wrong time, drive-by'?"

She began laughing too, "Baby, it was the first thing that came to my mind."

"Ma, you really a trip."

"Whatever, I just knew I had to come up with something and that was it. And how you go from being all mad to laughing at me?"

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