Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Ja' Kiya .

School and teachers are huge headaches, I swear. It's like they hire these people to make us cut up. Sometimes I really feel like just dropping out to chill and get high. Damn, just the thought got me smiling.

"Ms.Banks, get back to work," my English teacher, Ms. Thomas, said. Yes, MISS, because no one will ever marry that nagging bitch. I can't stand her old ass.

"Don't start with me, Ms.Thomas," I snapped.

"Or what?"

I smirked and replied, "Or I'll make sure all sixty of your nasty ass cats no longer have an owner."

After a few minutes she realized my threat and narrowed her eyes at me. I could tell she was mad, however, the old hag couldn't think of anything to say.

"Can you please excuse yourself?"

"Gladly, Ms. Thomas," I replied innocently as I walked out of the classroom. Thank God, I love making her so mad to the point she puts me out. I always get my way.

For the next ten minutes, I freshened up in the bathroom. Today my outfit was super simple: black skinnies and a lavender hoodie with a broken black heart in the middle. Oh, and some all black jordans. I walked out of the restroom and bumped into some stranger and fell straight on my ass.

"Awh, my fault, love," said this dude I've never seen before.  He was caramel and tall with hazel eyes. Mhmm, nigga was fine as hell!

"You good," I replied while taking his hand. He pulled me up with ease and I couldn't help but laugh. I'm just too goofy at times, even when I don't mean to be.

He looked weird and gave me a boyish grin, "What's yo' name?"

"Ja'Kiya, you?

"Trent. So, what's so funny, Ja'Kiya?"

"I don't even know,  I'm just goofy."

"Oh, I like yo' laugh. It's real sexy."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"Why you not in class?"

"Teacher put me out," I shrugged

He laughed, "Oh, you bad, huh?"

"Nope. Anyways, what grade you in?"


"And what's your reason for being out of class?"

He shrugged, "Teacher put me out."

"Oh, you bad, huh?"

"Nah," he replied while looking at me intensely. Surprisingly, I started getting nervous.

"I really wanna kiss you, Ja'Kiya."


"Is that a no?"

"Do you," and as soon as the words left my lips, he leaned in. Before his lips could touch mine, the bell rang and I walked off. No, I wasn't really gonna let him kiss me. I'm not a hoe, it's just really fun flirting with sexy ass niggas.


Guess what I just realized. It's been like two weeks ever since I saw King. I was just sitting here wanting to smoke and instantly thought of him, that nigga had that good shit! His shit had me doing the most and feeling the best. Like my mommy said, I'll see that nigga again, at least if it's meant to be.

"Girl, I'm about to come chill by you," I said to Rachel. We were on the phone and she was running everything down to me. Apparently after school there was a fight and I missed it.

I ran to my car and started driving to her house.

All I really wanted to do was get high and talk to Rae. Damn, why did that nigga have to pop up in my head? Got me feeling like a crackhead.

I made it over to my girl's house in no time. I walked in her house and headed straight to her bedroom. She looked up at me and started talking super fast .

"Bitchhhhh, Kristen and Arianne had a fucking fight! You know Faheem, right? The one that's on probation? Yeah, well he supposedly go out with Arianne but fucked Kristen at least four times! When Ari found out, the bitch went mad! She was going wild, saying Kristen name and all. Next thing you know, them hoes was fighting," she took a long, deep breath. I love this crazy ass girl.

"Are you ok-"

"Oh, Arianne whipped that ass!" she cut me off.

I burst into laughter and fell to the floor. She is too fucking retarded at times.

"Damn, calm down, Rae."

"Girl, I am calm. Anyways, what you wanna do?"

I stopped laughing, "I don't know."

"Mhmm, let's go to the spa or something."

"Ahh, yes. Lawd knows I need it," I said and with that we left and went to our favorite spa.

Author's Note : yup, this chapter laaameeeeee and it took a long time. It will get better and back to the drama so be patient, a lot has been going on this past week. Anywho, COMMENT AND VOTE !!


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