One: Broken Heart

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Onika Maraj

Nic: David can you hurry up im gonna be late for school.

I huffed as he opened the door with only a towel wrapped around his waist. I rolled my eyes and push past him into the bathroom just as I was about to close the door he put his foot out and came into the bathroom.

Nic: what the hell are you doing? I have to take a shower get out before I call my moma.

Dav: chill out your mom does not have to know about us

He grinned showing his cheesy smile and backed me up into the wall. I begun to scream as he came closer and closer to me. 

Nic: momaaaa!!!!!

Dav: bitch shut up!

He punched me in my stomach and I fell to the floor in tears. He bent down and grabbed me by my hair.

Dav: your moma sleep dumb ass and if you tell anyone about this I will kill you without leaving any trace of evidence Try me.

He got up and left out the bathroom. A few minutes later I was hunched over the toilet releasing all of what I ate last night into it.

Nic: I wish he would just leave us alone I hate him

After I got out of the shower I got dressed for school and left out the house fast before David could see me. When I got to school my Best friend thembi literally attack me with hugs and kisses.

Bibi: I missed you so much

Nic: I missed you too we back in this hell hole

Bibi: I know but I heard they have a new chem teacher we do not have to worry about miss Stewart anymore she got fired.

We went to our lockers when the bell rung and got out our books for class.

Nic: why?

Bibi: I heard a student found out she was messing around with James on the football team and told the principal and showed him evidence by the text messages in her phone.

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