Seven: Interesting Dream

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Onika Maraj 

I ran and ran down the empty street from the group of men until I were out of their sight. Hiding behind a dumpster in an alley. I waited until they ran pass to go in the opposite direction. I wiped the tears from my face who knew what they would have done to me if I had not escape. I had bruises here and there with a limp from the brutal beating but I was fine. 

Bey: onika...onika what are you doing out here 

I looked across the street in the direction of the voice calling out to me and quickly ran over when I noticed it was ms. Knowles.

Nic: ms. Knowles please help me please there was this group of men they barged in our house and killed my mother I have nowhere to go please 

She pulled me into another one of her warm hugs before pulling me into her home and closing the door. I seen a cocky man on the couch and also a little girl in his lap but both of them were passed out snoring it was cute.

Bey: thats my husband and daughter blu

She have a husband and daughter. Truthfully it made me sad but I smiled cheerfully I should have known though I mean ms. Knowles was beautiful and had the body of a goddess who wouldn't try to get with her on first sight I knew I would.

Nic: oh really great she is very beautiful 

Bey: thank you and so are you but follow me so I can fix you all up good thing I was out there good god child 

She kind of whispered the last part while she walk to the flight of stairs. I closely followed behind her admiring the way she swayed her hips the same way she did in the hospital did she do that because she knew I was watching or was it something that happened naturally either way I did not mind.

Bey: hm um earth to onika 

Nic: huh? Oh sorry 

I knew my cheeks grew a bright red from embarrassment. She just smiled and opened the door to a room it was nice.

Bey: you can sleep in here and here is some clothes to shower help yourself to anything in the kitchen oh and babe I'm really sorry to hear about your mom I'll help with the funeral arrangements.

I sat on the bed and held my head down letting my tears fall she was gone my mother was really gone tooken away from me and I would never know the reason why. I heard the door closed and footsteps coming closer to me. Surprisingly ms. Knowles straddle my lap wrapping her arms around my neck staring deeply into my eyes.

Nic: Ms. Knowles what are y-

Bey: shhhh Your hurting and I want to comfort you and make you feel better don't make to much noise okay 

Nic: what 

She slowly began to grind on me and kiss me on my neck and collarbone. In a matter of seconds  I was taken to heaven I had to stop this before it got out of hand. She had a husband and daughter who was right downstairs while her hand was down my pants leaving love marks all over my body.

Nic: mmm ms. K-knowles please stop your husband-

Bey: shut up onika don't you want me?

Her fingers were caressing my clitorus so gently while still giving me those warm kisses I  fiend for I could not take this much pleasure at once. My moans grew louder by the minute but she did not stop I knew this was wrong on so many levels but I did not want her to stop.

Nic: Uhhh ms. Knowles

Bey: onika

Nic: mmm yes

Carol: onika 

I jumped up with a head full of sweat and looked over at my mom in shocked.

Carol: what is wrong with you girl 

Bey: nothing I'm fine mom just a dream 

Carol: oh okay I brought you some food the doctor said you are getting released tomorrow so it's back to school for you on Monday 

Bey: okay thanks momma 

I smiled sort of happy that I get to see ms. Knowles as I stuffed the fries into my mouth I was starving. My mind wander back to the dream that I had hopefully it can come true without the husband and daughter.


Here you go! How do you like it??




Excuse Errors and Mistakes Im really sleepy lol

Oh boyyy nika having wet dreams💋

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