Eight: Only if you knew

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Nic Maraj

Carol: see you when you get home have a good day and call me if you need me.

I nodded and grabbed my books. Sam waved and blew me kisses out of the window while my mom drove away which I found funny she was too much for me sometimes. I went inside the school and instantly receive glances from everyone. I knew it was because of Rihanna it's funny how fast your business can spread.

themb: best friend I miss you so much

I smiled and turned around to hug her. I love thembi so much I know I can count on her for support or anything and to be honest we are not just best friends in my eyes because we are so much closer than that. 

Nic: I miss you too thembi

themb: yes I'm not the only one who miss you miss Knowles been worried about you like crazy. 

I closed my locker and we begun our scroll to class.

Nic: yea just know thats my future wife.

Thembi looked at me and we both burst into a fit of laughter. I seen rihanna and trina cuddled up on a locker staring at us and thembi pointed her finger at them.

Trina: fuck you bitch

That did it for thembi she threw me her bag and walk up to trina punching her dead in her face. Trina stumbled a bit and fell onto the lockers and thembi turned on her heel and walked away.

Nic: I hate to be your face!!!

The crowd of students surrounding her laugh at my comment and took photos as she cried out in embarrassment tried to hide under rihanna. Man the things they leave you behind for is unbelievable. 

Intercom: Any students who are not in class during the hall sweep in five minutes will serve several days on suspension 

Nic: Oh shit


Beyonce Knowles

The door open and all the students head shot up from their tests. My eyes landed on her and she gave me a warm smile and I smiled back boy was I happy to see her but she came in late so that resulted in a detention one of my rules is never show up late to class not even a minute late.

Bey: Detention after school find your seat.

Nic: whatever

I smiled at her comment and watch her find her seat. She sat down and I walked back to where she was sitting and place a test on top of her desk. 

Bey: do it while you still have time

I heard her sigh as she sat down her bag on the floor.

Nic: I don't know this

Bey: maybe you should start coming to class more and you would know it

Nic: maybe you shouldn't be such a bitch

She mumbled just as I was about reply the bell rung for the next class to begin. All the students started packing their things and leaving out of the classroom.

Bey: make sure to drop your test in the bin as you leave have a nice day onika may I speak with you for a second please.

Rolling her eyes she made her way to my desk and stood in front of me with a mean mug.

Bey: I want you here earlier than three so I will let your teacher know

Nic: bye

Bey: don't try me onika

I smiled I have something planned for her this afternoon and she will be sorry that she ever disrespect me .


Not really a good chapter😞 But tell me what you think...




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