Two: Last Chance...

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Onika Maraj

As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by my mother who wore a smile on her face even though I was not in the mood to be bothered by anyone I forced a smile in return.

Carol: hey baby how was school?

Nic: hi mom it was okay but I need a nap call when dinner is ready

Carol: okay baby

She walked away into the kitchen and I rushed upstairs to my room and in the process took off my shoes. A few seconds later my phone rung and rihanna's name flashed across the screen.

I debated on whether if I should answer and listen to a ear full of her bullshit or simply ignore her and drown in my misery.

Nic: what do you want?

Rih: for you to hear me out and just listen please

Nic: 5 minutes

Rih: okay first thing I want to say is what Trina said today was true but we all know she is a hoe the whole school know that

Nic: sooo that gives you a fucking right to fuck her rihanna huh?

Rih: no my point is thats all she will ever be nothing more or less what happened was a one time thing and it happened when we were on a break from each other I was missing you so bad I was literally going crazy over you and she was the only comfort I was recieveing at that time I didn't know what to do baby I love you please forgive me?

At this point her voice begun to crack and I knew she was crying. A part of me believe in her words they did seem sincere but this was not the first time something like this happened between us. How do I know she won't make this a repeated cycle and keep having me look like a fool for taking her back every single time.

Nic: I love you too rihanna but I don't want to keep getting hurt like this do you know how that feels every time any female throws in my face that they had what's suppose to be mines it hurts like hell

Rih: I'm sorry I promise it won't ever happen again nomore girls just us me and you forever I just need another chance

I took my phone from my ear and put it on speaker and took off my school clothes I never got a chance to get out of after rihanna called.

Nic: okay rihanna this is your last chance fuck up and I will fuck you up and its a promise not a threat but anyway its getting late and I need to shower.

Rih: I wont anymore I promise I love you so much baby and okay can I join?

Nic: I trust you baby and no bye perv

She giggled before I hung up the phone and went to take a nice warm shower. The water felt amazing against my skin after today's events this was what I needed.


The next morning I woke to the sound of my annoying ass alarm and threw it across the room.

Carol: nika come on baby get up before u be late

Nic: ughhhh

Carol: okay I guess your sister will eat your chocolate chip pancakes

I sat up instantly causing my mother to laugh I loved her pancakes moma knew how to throw down in the kitchen that was for sure.

Nic: I'm up!

Carol: you got 20 minutes

She walked out closing my door. I took a ten minute shower and quickly got dressed in a white crop top shirt with word love written on the front short shorts with some neon green shoes to finish my look. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

Sam: sisssyyy

Samantha was my five year old sister she was so adorable and a little bad ass. I loved her to death though. We have different dads and just like mine Samantha's father was in and out of her life too. You know only come around for an occasion and then disappear until the next.

Nic: hey baby I'll see you later okay

I kissed her and my mom cheeks and left out the door. I seen rihanna's car outside waiting on me and smiled.

Rih: hey beautiful

Nic: hey

I kissed her lips and she smiled shaking her head at me. I laughed she was so weird sometimes.

Nic: why are you shaking your head?

Rih: because fucking up is not an option

I smiled as she drove off we will see.


Who believes rih? Is she gonna do right this time or play nic like a fool again?




And stay tuned❤

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