Eleven: Scared Of You

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Onika Maraj

We walked into the hair salon and went to schedule our appointments. Not to many people were in here which was good for us. The woman held up her finger to us until she got done with the phone call and turned to face us. 

Nina: Hello welcome to Stylin Hair Salon how can I help you ladies today?

Thembi: We are here to schedule hair appointments for today if we can 

Nina: Yes you can since there is not too many people in here today just sign in on the sheet attached to the clipboard and put the time you arrive

She gave thembi a pen and she wrote her name in cursive and I did the same. I gave the woman her pen and the clipboard and she smiled at me.

Nina: They should be with you shortly for now you can have a seat in those chairs.

Thembi: Thank you 

We waited thirty minutes before we were both in the chair. I sat down in the chair and waited for my hair dresser. I look over at thembi getting her hair flat ironed. I just wanted some blonde highlights nothing to fancy.

Kari: bey hurry up girl you have a customer out here waiting for you in your chair.

My eyes almost fell out of my head when I heard bey as in Beyonce Knowles as in Miss Knowles my chemistry teacher miss Knowles. WHAT? She's a hair dresser too and she is about to do my hair omg. 

Bey: Shut up I'm coming damn 

I became super nervous and the palms of my hands begin to sweat as I heard her shout back. I put my head down and bit down on my lip inhaling and exhaling deeply. I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out. It was a text message from thembi.

Bestie: Did you just hear what I heard?

Me: Yess omg I'm so nervous thembi miss Knowles is about to do my hair!!!

Bestie: I know just breathe who would've thought she was a hairdresser too

Me: I know!!! and tried that already not working  

Bey: Okay are you ready I'm sorry for the wait my daughter is at home sick but hello my name is Beyonce what are you getting done to your hair today?

I kept my head down and after a few minutes finally spoke.

Nic: I want some blonde highlights 

Bey: Okay lets get started shall we? I promise your hair will be poppin 

Kari: No bey its slay 

They both laugh and I felt her begun to start my hair but my head was still down so I knew it was hard but I could not let her see me and I was to scared to look at her.

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