Ten: Telling our secret

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Onika Maraj

After eating dinner with my mom and cleaning the kitchen. Thembi came over for our sleepover we have every two weeks on Friday. It was something we used to do when we were younger and I guess it stuck with us forever. I was explaining to her the sequence of events that happened in detention at first I was scared to tell her but she is my best friend and have been for years now so I trust her not to tell anyone. 

thembi: did she kiss you?

I smiled at her eagerness to know every little detail of what happened. She smiled and bounce up and down waiting for my response.

Nic: no but she was so close to doing it thembi I wanted to feel her lips so bad it was like an entire load of lust came over me and I like it. Oh my god and the way she looked at me while buttoning my blouse up made me melt inside.

Thembi: WHAT? she unbuttoned your shirt

I blushed and nodded putting my head down.

Nic: she unbuttoned my blouse and kind of squeeze both of my breast in her hands and kissed me on my neck.

I raise my head and rubbed the concealer off that I put there to hide them from my mom showing her the mini bite marks. If she saw this I will be buried alive she don't even know that I like women see I never got around to telling her because I was so scared that she would disowned me and put my out on the streets like she did my older sister.

Thembi: omg!!! bitch I would have let her fuck me right on the desk.

I frowned and laughed she stared at me with a very serious expression and that is what made it even more funny. She not into girls though but I'm pretty sure anyone would fall for ms. Knowles. She was beautiful inside and out with a goddess body and was well educated nonetheless. Her husband is very lucky hopefully he knows her worth and how lucky he was to have someone like her.

Nic: Thembi you have to be quiet my mom in the other room sleeping if she wakes up and its not on her own we will both be getting carried out in body bags shut the hell up loud mouth.

she rolled her eyes and laid her head on my lap. We were watching the Conjuring 2 with loads of snacks because she brought some from the store plus I had my own, but the movie finally went off thank god. I hate horror movies the only reason why I watched it is because she beg me too. I had my eyes close for every scary scene and would scream every five minutes at the television. Yep I was one of those people you can not take to the movies with you.

Thembi: Sorry so whats going to happen between you two?

Nic: I do not know nothing really because if anyone in the school finds out about us. I can be expelled and she can lose her job and I don't want to risk that no matter how bad I want her there is no way we can be together without sneaking around and you CAN NOT TELL ANYONE about this seriously. If she find out that I told you she will kill me literally so please thembi you are my best friend and I trust you.

Thembi: why would I? How long have I been keeping your secrets little girl now shut up

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