Twelve: Reject

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Onika Maraj

I hopped out the shower and threw on my blue jean bathing suit with my body chain and lotion down my body. I went into the room grabbed my phone and towel. Thembi stood in the mirror admiring her fame and appearance.

Nic: you ready 

Thembi: not yet I have to pinned my hair up

She ran to the bathroom and I rolled my eyes in annoyance because she rushed me but she still was not ready. I laid across the bed and seen a text from my mom opening it.

Mom: Baby I just wanted to let you know that your grandma had another heart attack and I am at the hospital with her now. She slipped into a coma and the doctors say since she was slowly losing her breath during the heart attack. It was actually good she went into a coma because she could have died but now she still have a chance of waking up soon.

Nic: I hope she is okay. Do you want me to come to the hospital I do not need to go to the party .

Mom: No baby go have fun with thembi at the party just come by tomorrow for me  please.

Nic: okay mom I love you mi reina.

Mom: I love you more mi amour

Thembi came out of the bathroom and grabbed my hand. I know the party started already and we still have to pick up her dumb ass boyfriend. I drove in the directions she told me to his house.I pulled up in front of his house and thembi got out the car. 

Nic: Thembi hurry up 

Thembi: shut up nic you have no patience  

The door opened and she ran into his arms. He span her around and they shared a kiss for a minute. I rolled my eyes blowing my horn because my patience was really low and they pulled away from each other walking to the car.

Devon: hey nic

Nic: Bye

Thembi glared at me and I shrugged my shoulders. Thembi climbed to the backseat and I turned the volume up to tune out the sounds of their moaning and groaning. 

Nic: do yall have to do that shit now?

Devon: Man bae whats up with your girl?

Thembi: She is just a little grumpy don't worry about her

As I came closer to the party you can hear the music from a block away. I found a spot that was close but we still had to walk to get there because everyone and their mothers had to be here it was impossible to get one in front of the house I turned the car off and we all got out.

Thembi: My bitch ready to turn up with me

I rolled my eyes and she smiled.

Thembi: come on nic loosen them tight ass panties have fun with me please

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