Nine: Don't Tell

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Onika Maraj

I scrolled down the halls until I finally reach ms. Knowles door. I rolled my eyes and inhale deeply before opening the classroom door. She was writing on the board then her head turned in my direction once she heard the door and smiled at me.

Bey: I'm glad you decided to show up sit down 

I sat in the front row and put my head down on the desk. I was not about to do shit she say because I knew she was one of those teachers who picked on students for no reason or they do not like the student. I guess that explains why I'm in detention wasting time that could have been used.

Bey: head up onika I have told you once when you in here it's not chill time.

I shifted in my seat ignoring her demand instead I placed my earbuds in. A few seconds I felt her yanked them out and pull my head back by my hair I must say it did catch me by surprise and I gasped. She looked at me in my eyes and I could feel her breath hitting my lips like cold air.

Bey: onika I have warned you and you continue to push my buttons ever since I met you. You wanna know what I do to people like you huh?

She came closer to me and smiled but this time not a friendly one. Her lips brushed against mines slowly and I wanted to kiss her so bad.

Bey: cat got your tongue I see well you can hear so here's what I normally do to people who disobey me torture them to death but you my dear so fiesty and your body so sexy all I want to do is fuck your brains out until you beg me to stop.

Nic: let me g...go

She began to unbutton my blouse exposing my bare flesh to her. She ran her hand up and down my tone stomach and walk behind me to grip both of breasts in her hands and started leaving kisses on my neck. Oh my god I had to stop her but nothing came out but silent moans until I broke free of her grip and back away she followed in front of me until I backed up into a wall. Shit

Standing in front of me she pinned my hands above my head and glared at me.

Bey: awe are you scared of me sweetie

Nic: teachers are not allowed to...

She slapped me hard before I could finish my sentence and I bit down on my lip holding in my tears. This was a completely different side of her that I never seen and it scared me.

Bey: shut up stop coming to my class and disrespecting me and the other classmates do you understand? out of all the students your the problem onika maraj such a beautiful girl the things I would do to you if I had the chance would be mind blowing but you are my student.

Nic: I'm sorry please let me go i won't tell anyone I promise 

I begged and pleaded with her. After a few moments later she released my hands and buttoned my shirt back up and rearranged my bra into the correct position. Yes I was scared really scared but really turned on at the same time.

We stared at each other until she was done and I could see the lust in her eyes. She probably wanted to throw me on the desk and fuck my brains out like she mentioned earlier. Hell yes I would let after what I witnessed today I knew she wanted me. Ms. Knowles was drop dead gorgeous and had the perfect body.

Bey: tell anyone it will be worse and I will know if you tell so once again onika try me bye  close the door when you leave see you tomorrow.

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the school building as fast as I possibly could almost tripping over my shoelaces but I made it to the car. Once I was in there I exhale the breath I was holding and drove home. I opened the front  door and greeted my mother with a fake smile so she wouldn't suspect anything.

Nic: hey momma 

I kissed her cheek and she smiled preparing dinner for us in the kitchen. I love my mothers cooking she was the best hands down.

Tina: hey baby no more detentions you hear me the school left a voicemail

Nic: yes ma'am I promise 

I kissed her cheek again and proceeded upstairs to my room. Dinner won't be ready for another two hours I close my door and strip out of my clothes and laid across the bed. My mind begin to wander to the events that just happened with ms. knowles until I fell into a deep sleep. 





OMG BEY....speechless....

So do you think beyonce plan to scare her work?

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