Five: In love with someone else

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Onika Maraj

I was watching Frozen with Sammie when I heard a tap on my window and knew that it was Rihanna. I miss her so much we barely have a chance to spend time together since she work overtime at her job now.

Nic: Sam time for bed now 

Sam: but I wanted to-

Nic: go to your room now

She folded her arms and curled up her lips. I knew the water works will be coming any second now and I will give in to her like always she was just to cute and hard to resist she gets me every time. And as if right on cue the tears came streaming down her face.

Nic: okay Samantha just until the movie goes off and after that its bed time got it?

Sam: yes

I opened up the window for nic and she instantly pulled me into a passionate kiss that I gladly responded too. God I miss her lips so much and the other set too I guess you know where this is headed.

Rih: hey babe I miss you 

Nic: I miss you too 

Sam: Rihanna!!!

Sam screamed running into her arms and she bend down to hug her. I smiled they love each other so much and the bond was unbelievable I wish her and my mother got along this well but she always claim that Rihanna is bad for me and does not the best interest for me and all that bull. How can she even know that?

Rih: hey manny what you watching?

Sam: Frozen with my sissy 

Rih: cool I wanna watch too

Sam nodded and pulled her over in front of the television. She placed Samantha in lap and I got in bed behind Rihanna I wrapped my arms around her and begun to kiss on her neck.

Rih: nic stop 

Nic: I want you 

Rih: okay later

I pouted and begun to watch the movie with them. Of course we had to sing every song with Sam and by the time it went off she was out cold. I picked her up carried her to her room next door and put her in her bed. 

Nic: goodnight baby I love you

I kissed her cheek and closed the door quietly behind me going back into my room. I got in bed next to Rihanna and wrapped my arms around her waist.

Rih: nic I have to tell you something 

Nic: go ahead 

Rih: um Im in love with...

Nic: Im in love with you too baby

Rih: yea Duhh

She chuckled and I kissed her deeply. She flipped us over begun to undress me ripping off my shirt and bra at the same time. She massage my breast with one hand while biting and sucking on the other one gently.

Nic: mmm baby 

I smirked and she kiss down to my stomach one thing she knew how to do was please my body. she opened my legs some more and rubbed her thumb across my clit slowly and place kisses in between my thighs.

Nic: Ohh shit baby mmm don't tease!!!

Rihanna Fenty

I finally decided to stop teasing her and sucked on her clit as she screamed my name out in pleasure and I glance up at her watching her bite down on her lip and eyes roll to the back of her head. I continue to suck and shove two fingers into her wetness.

Nic: Rihanna baby im cumming!!!

Rih: hold it chanel 

Nic: what

I stopped after I realize what I just said.

Nic: I mean Nic hold it in Nic 

I smiled she stood up and slapped the taste out of my mouth. 

Nic: you stupid bitch who the hell is Chanel huh? Who is she Rihanna?

Rih: my best friend of about five years and also the girl Im in love with look im sorry bu-

I saw the anger on her face and she started throwing punches at me. Before I could stop her she bust my lip and made my nose bleed. I threw her on the bed holding her arms as she kicked and screamed in tears.

Nic: get the fuck off of me I hate you how could you do this to me how could you?

She said through her sobs. She finally found the strength to push me away and ran into the bathroom before I could grab her and close the door. I heard  screaming and a loud noise before I went up to the door.

Rih: Nic I love you 

Nic: .....

Rih: Nic open the door please 

Nic: .....

Rih: Nic...Nic 

I turned the knob it was lock so I stood back kicking the door in.

Rih: OMG NIC!!!!


What happened to onika? 




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