Sixteen: Special Meeting

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"You sure you are okay" my best friend said caressing my back as I stared into space as we were getting ready for school.

I stared at her for a moment and wiped a tear that fell down my cheek. I wish I was okay or my mom cared about me the way that a mother is supposed to care about her child but the power of dick is deadly.  So of course the peice of shit who she calls her man comes before me. My own mother does not care about me.

"Do I have a choice thembi do I really have a choice" I replied as my voice cracked and she embraced me into a warm hug. I have not been embraced by someone in so long that it caused me to break down more and she held me until I was done releasing my tears.

"Onika it will be okay babe you know my mom would let you stay here as long as you need too and if you are not in the mood for school today you can stay here" she wiped my tears and I gave her a weak smile. What would I do without her thembi is like the sister that I hoped to have one day when I was younger because being the only child sucked.

"I can go to school" I stood going into the bathroom that is connected to her room. I examined my face in the mirror and my mascara was smeared going down my face. I grabbed a makeup wipe and removed the mascara before I reapplied it.

I walked the room and saw thembi sitting on the bed ready to leave. I grabbed my bag and phone as we headed downstairs her mom was in the kitchen reading a newspaper with her morning coffee. Ms. Brown was a beautiful woman and did not look a day over 25 years old. She had an even cameral skin tone with a nice figure.

Ms. Brown had an unbreakable bond  thembi that I low key envy because I always wanted to share that similar bond with my mom but we cannot always get what we want.

She glanced up from her newspaper and smiled.

"Hey babies how did you sleep last night" she asked 

"Good" thembi replied while going to the fridge  to grab two apples and orange juices for us because we missed breakfast at school. The first period bell rung at eight and it was already 7:45. I hope we can make it there before the bell rings because I cannot afford to be late for my chemistry test

"Good good well you ladies head on to school I have to get dressed for work see you later" she kissed thembi on the cheek and pulled me into a hug before telling me I can come to her whenever I need to talk about anything.

I nodded and headed behind thembi who was already outside. We got in the car and made it to the school in under ten minutes. Thanks to her reckless ass driving but at least  I made it  on time.

We walked in the building together and hugged before we parted ways since she had math class on the third floor. I grabbed my items for class from my locker and raced towards Ms. Knowles class because she shuts the door after a certain amount of time. That usually means you cannot enter the classroom and whatever you missed in class results in a zero.

I sat in my seat and pulled out the study guide we had to complete for homework to study before starting the  test. Ms. Knowles back was turned to us  as she wrote something on the board. My eyes could not  help themselves as they begun to stare at her. As soon as she dropped the chalk and turned around I snapped out of my trace and shook away the naughty thoughts

"Good morning class" she spoke causing everyone to quiet down and listen. "I hope everyone completed the study guide I assigned to you. Although it may not be for a grade it would have helped you to aced the test if you completed it because the questions on the test are the same as the study guide just in a different order.

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