Four: Broken Promises

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Rihanna Fenty

Babe: sure you have to climb in from my window tho you know how my mom is on school nights.

I sat my phone down after reading her text and stood up to throw on some sweats.

Rih: Chanel get up time for you to go.

She opened her eyes and looked at me like she just seen a ghost.

Coca: can you stop hitting me on my ass like that please?

Rih: get yo ass up and go home please

She stood up and pouted before attaching her lips to mine into a passionate kiss.

Coca: do I have too?

She mumbled and I nodded even though we still had plenty of time but I wanted to stop and get nic something special so by the end of the night she will be all mines.

Coca: why?

Rih: gotta stop by my girl

She rolled her eyes and grab her bag pushing pass to leave until I grab her hand.

Rih: Chanel please...

Coca: Robyn what about me? I thought you love me and that you were gonna leave her for me what happened to all those promises rihanna.

Rih: I just need more time baby I promise its not easy I do love you and want to be with you just give me time.

Rih: please

I kiss her deeply and soon enough we were back where we started naked in each other arms.

Rih: I love you coca

Coca: I love you too but Im not about to be nobody second choice call me when you make up your mind.

She got up slipped on her jeans and shoes leaving out the room seconds later I heard the front door slam.



Onika Maraj

I opened the door with my key and ended up face to face with my enraged mother.

Carol: onika where the hell were you? And why didnt you pick up your sister from school

I debated on if I should her the truth or not about me being in detention I was A honor roll student and if she find this out I will be dead.

Nic: I had to assist a teacher with something and I could not use my phone im sorry.

Carol: well call or something next time

Nic: okay mom

She proceeded into the kitchen and I followed behind her sitting at the table but did not see Samantha.

Nic: where is Sammy?

Carol: her room go tell her to come down for dinner

I got up from my seat and went upstairs to my sister room.

Nic: Sammy dinner's rea-

I realized that she was in tears holding onto her arm and rushed over to her.

Nic: baby what's wrong?

Sam: A boy hit me at school today and you not come get me from school

Nic: Awe baby dont cry I'm sorry I promise I will from now on

I hug her until she stop crying and we finally went downstairs to eat dinner with my mom. A few minutes later my phone vibrated.

My baby: I'm on my way babe

I begun to eat faster I could not wait to see my baby I had some special plans for tonight.


Sex scene or nahhhh (:




S/O to goddessxi for being one of my most supportive readers❤ I really appreciate your love and support your the real MVP :)

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