Six: Special Visit

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Onika Maraj

When I opened my eyes I notice a million people surrounding me. Where was I? I had a very bad headache and could not feel my leg. I looked around and seen my mom and Sammie in a chair on her lap and some of my aunts and uncles even thembi was here my best friend of about four years.

Themb: babe your up I miss you

She screamed and I frowned she was so extra. Everyone looked in my direction and literally ran over to me showering me with kisses

Carol: baby I missed you so much im happy your awake how are you feeling?

Nic: I have a headache and how did I get in the hospital what happened?

Carol: we will talk about that later

I nodded and notice someone by the door as thembi tried to hold a conversation with me.  But I could not see maybe Rihanna I mean I did not really want to see her but the least she could do is come check on me. She is the reason I'm in here the last thing I remember was her telling me she was in love with someone else and that someone was not me. Everything else before and after that was a blur.

Thembi: I beat his ass and told him to leave... Nic are you listening?

I turned my attention towards her and nodded.

Nic: yes 

From the corner of my eye I seen them staring at me through the door for a few minutes and then walked away I knew it was a woman from the hair and she also a vanilla skin tone that for sure was not Rihanna. But who was that she must have known me. 

Nic: thembi come to the vending machines with me

Thembi: okay 

She helped me out of bed and told everyone we will be back once we got into the hall I seen the woman getting on the elevators.

Nic: follow her

Thembi: why

Nic: just do it 

We waited for another one to come and went down to the front lobby. When we got off I seen her again talking to the receptionist. Her hair was a blonde color and she have a nice figure as well but who was she?

??: Hi can you please give this to onika for me 

She knows my name. Thembi went over to the vending machine on the wall and brought something for us both she knows what I like already so I did not have to tell her.

Rep: and what is your relation to her?

??: chemistry teacher 

Ms. Knowles it was ms. Knowles but how did she find out I was in the hospital?

Nic: ms. Knowles

She looked over at me and smiled sadly. After she was done her conversation she walked over with papers and a stuffed bear in her hand with some chocolate and embrace me into a hug. At that moment I just wanted to cry. By her just embracing me made me feel  like she cared so much about me without muttering one word.

Bey: oh my god I'm so happy your okay.

She pulled away and smiled at me. I returned one she had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

Nic: Yes I am fine thank you for being concerned are those for me?

Bey: Of course okay so this little guy name is mr. Snuggles take care of him he was my favorite childhood teddy and this is your work from all of your teachers no free days off missy

I rolled my eyes while she just smiled

Nic: wow thank you ms. Knowles I really appreciate this 

Bey: no problem anytime I'll see you later when do you come back to school 

Nic: Monday 

Bey: I will be waiting for you we need to talk I know you didn't put yourself in here

Nic: okay wait how did you know I was here?

Bey: A little birdie told me

I smiled at her comment and she pulled me into another hug.  I felt her hands travel down my body and give my butt a light squeeze. I almost gasp but held it in biting down on my lip. Is this really happening? I wanted to say stop but no words came out.

Bey: your even beautiful and sexy in a hospital gown 

Nic: th-thanks

She kissed my cheek only inches away from my lips. She smiled once more  and turned on her heels my eyes was glued to her. I watched how her hips sway with every step oh my gosh she was extremely blessed with that body.

Thembi: Nic come on your mom is looking for you 

Nic: oh right 




Don't the beginning of the chapter kind of remind you of a horror movie?? Lol

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