Fifteen: Difficult

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Onika Maraj

After that magical moment with Miss Knowles I did not think anything could ruin my mood until my mom and her boyfriend arrived home. First there was an argument and then you could hear my mother loud screams because he was beating the shit out of her after finding out she was pregnant for someone else. I know you are probably wondering why not help her but I could tell that she wants this because she chose to deal with his ass no matter how many times he has blacken her eye and bruised her body.

Soon I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to my room door. I grabbed the blade that I got from the gas station and turned my back to the door so he would not see that I was awake.

David: Onika wake up baby time for us to play

I became nervous and tensed up when I felt him climb on top of me. I still had my eyes closed with my arm out of the bed so he would not see the blade in my hand.

David: I know you are not sleeping baby

I heard him chuckle and ripped my shirt open putting wet kisses on my breasts.

Nic: Get off me you peice of shit

I stabbed him in the stomach twice before he punched me in my face repeatedly.  I cried out in pain and dropped the blade on the floor. 

David: you stupid bitch you will regret that

I tried to fight and scream but nobody came to help me not even my mama who was in the next room. 

David: you feel so good baby better than your moma

Tears blurred my vision as I laid there I just wanted it to be over. I felt so useless even though this was not my fault. Having your innocence taken away from you does that to you. Having someone force their penis inside you without consent hurts you become self conscious and feel like if you ever found that one person you was saving yourself for will never be able to have all of you because an important part was already taken.

Onika: please stop David

I pushed him but his thrusts only became deeper. At that moment I just begun to think of a happier place. Somehow Miss Knowles face appeared over his and she smiled at me. I felt hard sting across my face.

David: what the hell are you smiling?

He finally stopped and stood up with his pants down. I grabbed the blade before he turned around and pulled me down to end of the bed.

David: open your mouth

Our eyes connected before I opened up and he shoved himself into my mouth forcing me to suck his small penis. I had fresh tears fall down my face because I was digusted with this situation and him. Once his eyes closed I placed the blade above his tip and cut in one movement and he fell to the ground.

David: did you stupid bitch

He looked down in complete shock that his penis was on the floor covered in blood. I punched him until I seen blood and became tired before spitting in his face.

Nic: I will be a stupid bitch but guess who is a dickless bitch? guess who can not put their dick in anyone else 

I laughed and seen my mom at the door staring at me in shock.

Carol: what did you do?

Nic: oh just cut your boyfriend dick off there it goes

Carol: WHAT!!!

I smiled and grabbed my coat from the closet

Carol: Onika

I continued down the stairs and lit the blunt that thembi gave to me. This was needed after today and its events much needed 





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