Chapter 10

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I'll never forget the look on his face when I told him. It was pure joy. He instantly began jumping around, screaming like a maniac, waving his arms in the air. His laughter was infectious. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me all over. 

"We're having a baby" he yelled, flalling his arms about. "Leo" I said, trying to calm him. "Calypso" he said, his smiled only growing. I couldn't take it. He didn't understand. I might not be pregnant. I could have lost it, we won't know until those test come back. Leo would be crushed if it turns out something happened. I couldn't let him get his hopes up. 

"We might not" I said. Leo's smile dropped. "Look at me, Leo I might be pregnant. I might not. We don't know anything and I don't want you to get your hopes up" I said, taking his hand in my own. Leo nodded, staring at the ground. 

"But there is a possibility?" he looked up at me with his big puppy eyes. He rested his hand on my stomach. I gulped, not wanting to give him false hope. I nodded with a smile. I'll admit, having a baby looked awefully appealing. 

Leo sat next to me for the next hour, we tried to stray away from the baby topic but always ended up coming back to it. In the end, we decided we wanted a child no matter what. If I wasn't pregnant now, we could always try again. 

Then, the moment of truth. The moment our lives would change forever. The doctor came in. 

I'll never forget the look on his face. Dispair, sadness, defeat. He didn't say anything after that, neither did I. When they cleared me to go home, we went without a word. Leo filled out the paper work, and took me back to the Argo. Nobody said anything to us when we got back. Leo went down the engine room and I went to bed. 

I'm not sure what I was doing. I laid there in bed staring at the wall. I wasn't thinking, if I was, I wasn't paying attention to my own thoughts. I didn't feel anything, I was just numb. 

A knock came at the door, I didn't reply. "Calypso?" said a voice. Annabeth popped her head around the corner. "Oh honey" she murmured as she walked over to embrace me. "How are you doing?" she asked, sitting down next to me. 

"Okay. Not good, not horribl, okay" I said softly. Annabeth nodded. "Do you want to hear a secret?" she asked. I looked up at her. "I had a miscarriage too. Percy doesn't know. It was between Zoe and this new guy" she said rubbing her belly. 

"Why didn't you tell Percy?" I asked. Annabeth pursed her lips. "I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I felt like I did something wrong, like it was my fault. It took me until this little guy before I realized that I didn't do anything wrong, it was just pure misfortune. The fates can be cruel" she said. I nodded. "I just feel useless, I just don't know what to do" I said, tears forming in my eyes. 

"Go to Leo, talk to him. I couldn't do that with Percy. The pain won't be any less but at least you'll have someone to help you through it" she said, outting a hand on my shoulder. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


I hated this. I hated this feeling. Calypso was crushed, I was weak, this week started so well. We were going camping, and now we are going home, we had lost our first chance at being parents. 

"Leo?" said a voice. I turned and saw Calypso standing there. She had bags under her eyes and it was obvious she had been crying. I had to be the strong one, she needed me. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. She broke down and I held her tighter. 

"It's going to be okay" I whispered, kissing the top of her head. 

The next few days were better than expected. We had a long talk and decided that it'd be best to hold off on trying for a baby for a little bit then discuss it in a few months. When we got back home, people tended to either avoid us or become overly friendly. Mostly, Calypso and I wanted to be ignored, at least from everyone but our closest friends. 

Calypso had a doctors appointment but she didn't want me to come. I didn't want to insist upon going, she said she wanted to do this alone so I let her. I couldn't take any more hospitals anyway. 

A knock came from the door. I groaned, dragging myself off the couch that I had laid on for the past day or so. When I opened the door, 4 tiny hands came at me like a tidal wave. "Woah there!" I exclaimed. Zoe and Charlie were hugging my feet. Percy stood there, sweat dripping down his face. "Annabeth is in labor, can you watch them? I'm sorry" he breathed, bending over to catch his breath. A scream came from the car and I noticed Annabeth sitting in the front seat. 

I nodded, "Of course, no problem" I said with a smile. "I'll have my mom take them off your hands when she can" he said, kissing his kids on their foreheads to say goodbye. "Don't bother, I'd imagine Sally should be with you. I can handle them for tonight" I said patting their heads as they raced past me to go to the "playroom". "Are you sure? I don't want-" I cut him off. "I'm sure, you'd better get back there" I said nodding towards Annabeth who was continuing to scream. 

"Thanks buddy" he said shaking my hands. "Bye kids! Be good for Uncle Leo and Aunt Calypso! I love you!" he yelled. The sound of little feet running around the house was enough for Percy. "I'll call you once it's over" he exclaimed before he ran to the car. I chuckled, I missed having the kids over. Tonight was going to be filled with much needed fun. 

"Uncle Leo, uncle Leo" exclaimed Charlie as he ran down the stairs, his little sister struggling to keep up with her tiny toddler legs. Charlie was holding one of the newer toys that I had built for them and Chris. It was a mechanical superman (blonde of course) that flew around the room. 

"Yeah?" I asked, picking up Zoe who was out of breath. "Why won't he fly?" he pouted, holding up the toy. "I don't know, may I?" I asked as I took the toy. I grinned, there was a crumb (most likely from the muffin I was eating while making it). I removed the crumb and twisted the  mechanism on the back. The toy sprung to life, earning cheers from the kids. 

"I have an idea, why don't we go to the back yard and light stuff on fire so you guys can practice your water powers!" I exclaimed. Zoe put her hands in the air and squealed with delight. "Awesome!" exclaimed Charlie. 

Charlie, who developed his powers a little late, loved showing off. Despite being the older sibling, he gained his powers later than Zoe did so he was no match for her. 

We went outside, I'd light myself on fire then the kids would put it out. Of course, I'd never put them in any danger so I made certain I'd be able to control it all. We played for hours. 

"What is going on out here!" screamed a voice. "Aunt Calypso!" screamed the kids as they put down their water guns and ran over to her. They hugged her legs tightly. Calypso laughed and hugged them back, smiling at me the whole time. 

"Why don't we go inside to wash up, I'll fix dinner. Will your parents be joining us?" she asked letting go of the kids. "Mommy is having a baby" said Zoe before running inside after her brother. Calypso looked up at me and gave me the "wtf is this kid talking about, Leo what didn't you tell me, explain" look. 

"Yeah, sorry I didn't call. Percy needed a last minute baby sitter. It's looking like they are staying the night. It's going to be a long one" I said walking over to her. I wrapped my hands around her waist and grinned. "Only if it's okay with you" I said, wiggling my eyebrows, hoping to ease her tension. She wasn't too fond of situations that I don't tell her about. 

Calypso sighed dramatically then smirked. "I guess my big plans tonight are going to have to wait until tomorrow" she said, turning to go back inside. "Woah, woah, woah, what big plans?" I asked, taking her hand. Calypso chuckled. "Oh you know, just doing" she said casually going back inside. 

"Wait, I can call someone to pick them up!" I exclaimed, chasing after her. Calypso whirled around quickly and placed her hand on my chest. "Too late" she whispered as the kids ran over to us. I groaned. She was such a tease. 

***Hope you enjoyed that chapter. Long, sad then happy so ha. Have a lovely day, be nice to people. I love you little demigods! -Izzy

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