Chapter 23

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Thalia woke up a few times throughout the night. Each time, it was a nightmare that just got worse and worse. Jason, who was woken up by her screaming and crying, eventually decided that he would just drive, the movement calmed her down. I began to rock her slowly which also helped. 

She seemed so embarassed but I hated seeing her like this. She was just so scared, far from her usual badass persona. I just wanted to hold her and make her feel safe again. I didn't sleep at all, if she stirred even the slightest bit, I'd hold her closer and tighter, rocking her back and forth which calmed her down. She was like a child in my arms. 

In the morning, Thalia eventually woke up. She got out of bed and dressed without a word. I didn't want to stress her even more so I just let her be. Whatever she saw last night in the fields must have really shaken her. I made a hearty breakfast of poptarts and cereal for the gang before taking over for Jason on the wheel. 

Thalia went and sat in the couch while Jason went to catch up on some sleep. Thalia sat silently, sharpening her arrows and knives. I must have driven for 4 hours before Thalia came to sit next to me. 

"When we get there, I don't think I will be able to fight anything. I can stay in the RV, fire the rockets or whatever" she mumbled, looking down at the ground ashamed. It took all my self control not to correct her on her use of the word "rockets", they were clearly missiles. Also, she didn't seem like she was in the mood for talking about it. 

"Okay, do you want some practice first, I mean, shooting a bow and arrow is very different from firing missiles" I said with a smile. Thalia grinned, "You mean?" she asked trailing off. I laughed. "Oh yeah baby" I said, taking a sharp turn, going into the wheat field on the side of the road. 

"Ready?" I asked, cutting off the engine. "Ready" she replied, her smile growing. I leaned over, shpwing her all the buttons. I explained that when we were in battle, it was best to put the RV in autopilot so you could focus on shooting. At the front and back of the RV, there were missiles that exploded upon impact as well as a few extra gadgets. On the sides were turrets, filled with celestial bronze bullets. 

"Okay, I think you're ready to get in the drivers seat" I said. Thalia smiled and sat on my lap before I could even get up. "You know, I could move if you'd like the seat to yourself" I said laughing. Thalia chuckled. "Honestly, I don't trust myself not to blow up the whole world. So if you don't mind, I'll stay right here" she said giving me a wink. 

At that moment, there was absolutely nothing hotter than a godess sitting on my lap, shooting things. We blew up this whole wheatfield. About halfway through, Jason came running over, in his underwear, sword at the ready which only made Thalia laugh harder. Gods, it felt so good to see her laugh, especially after last night. 

When there was finally nothing more to blow up, Thalia turned and looked down at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her waist with my hands. "I love you" I whispered, leaning in to kiss her. Thalia pulled back, looking the other way. "Leo" she whispered, her voice was shaking. 

"Whats wrong? Gods, did I say it too soon?" I said, mentally kicking myself. Thalia sighed, tears brimming in her eyes. "Gods no, you said it at just the right time. You- you're perfect" she whispered, putting her hand on my cheek, looking me right in the eyes. 

"Then whats wrong? What happened to you last night?" I asked. I didn't want to push her into saying something she didn't want to say but I had to be honest. "Can we just forget about us, just for now. I-I can't deal with everything all at once" she said, climbing off my lap, walking to the back of the RV.

"Thalia wait!" I cried, jumping up to go after her. She turned around, putting her hand up to stop me. I took her hand and pressed it against my chest. "Do you feel that? Thats my heart Thalia. Thats me and if you leave me, I don't think I can keep it beating. You are the only one Thalia. Just talk to me, no matter what you say, it won't change how I feel" I said, tears in my own eyes. 

Thalia bit her lip then she sighed. She took my hand, leading me to the couch. We both sat down, looking at one another. "Aphrodite came last night, she talked to me" she said, as if thinking about what she was going to say next. 

"And? What did she say?" I asked, anxious to get an answer. Thalia gulped, looking down at the ground. "S-she just told me that there will be a lot of emotions resurfacing when we get to the house. She said that it was going to be really hard and I guess I just got scared is all" she said. Thalia looked back up at me then smiled. 

"But its okay now, I'll be fine. We just need to get there and then get out" she said softly. I smiled then put my arms around her, hugging her closely. "It's going to be okay, no matter what, I'm with you" I whispered, kissing the top of her head. Thalia nodded, putting her head against my chest. "Always?" she asked in a small voice. "Always" I replied. 

***Two in one night whaaaaattt? Okay, weird question: has anyone ordered anything off this website, its called "Romwe"? So I ordered this headband a while back and it came like a week later then like 2 weeks ago or so, I ordered these 3 shirts and they still haven't arrived. When I tracked the shipment, it said that a label for the shipment had been made and it hasn't been shipped yet but it has been saying for that for the 2 weeks so I don't know whats going on. I asked my sister and she said that it was a good webiste, just don't by in bulk and I literally ordered 3 shirts, all the same shirt but in different colors and now I pissed off because they were really cute and it cost me 40 bucks. Do you guys know of any good and legit webistes out there for a cheap ass mofo like myself? Please comment so I don't look like trash anymore. Thanks so much! I love you demigods! -Izzy

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