Chapter 22

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Leo and I sat on the roof of the RV. Jason was inside, skyping Piper and Chris. "What do you think is going to happen to us?" asked Leo, staring up at the sky. I took a sip of my scotch. "I don't know and honestly, I don't want to know". 

He sighed then looked at me. "I'm going to marry you one day" he said. I almost choked. "What?" I said, laughing. Leo sat up, looking me right in the eye. "I'm serious. Maybe not today or 5 years from now but one day" he said with a smile. I just shook my head. "Okay, one day" I muttered. I'll admit it, the thought was entertaining. 

"Hey guys" said Jason, climbing up to join us. "How's Pipes?" Leo asked. Jason had the biggest smile on his face and I knew something was up. "She's great, absolutely amazing, perfect actually" he said. 

"Oh no, something's up" I said. Leo and I looked at one another. "Something is definitely up. Spill" Leo said, chuckling. Jason thought for a moment but couldn't contain it for very much longer, "Piper is pregnant" he said. 

"Awe, thats great!" I exclaimed, hugging my brother. I was going to be an aunt, again! "That's awesome man, it'd be awesome having another kid around" Leo said with a smile. I could tell Leo was getting uncomfortable with this topic, he lost his own kid just over a year ago. I knew he didn't like having all these couples running around with good news when he had just lost a child and his wife. 

I took Leo's hand in my own. I gave him an encouraging smile as he squeezed my hand. Jason must have seen Leo's discomfort as he changed the subject. "So, Thalia, any idea where the house is?" asked Jason. 

I frowned, "Yeah, its about a days drive from here". Jason put his hand on my shoulder in a failed attempt to comfort me. I did not want to go back to that house. I only came so Jason wouldn't get himself killed. 

"You know what, I think I just need a little time alone is all. I'm going to take a walk" I said, pushing the boys off of me. I jumped off the roof of the RV. I walked a reasonable distance to make sure I was out of sight before I began to cry. 

Gods, if Leo wasn't here I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I don't think I can go back there, too many painful memories. I still remember the day Momma told me Jason was dead or the day Zues left us, the day I left. They feel like they were yesterday. 

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. On reflex, I pulled my knife and whirled around. The woman screamed, throwing her hands up in the air. I sighed in relief, taking my knife off her throat. It took me a moment to realize it was Aphrodite that stood before me. 

"Aye! There is no need to pull the dagger!" she cried, backing away from me. She looked different than usual and had a spanish accent. "Aphrodite, I'm so sorry" I said, putting my knife back in its seath. "Oh you're fine my dear, I just came to sit down, maybe chat a little" she said, snapping her fingers. 

A table with tea cups and little plates with pasteries appeared in the middle of the field. It looked like a little tea party. "Oh goodness, its quite dark" she muttered, snapping her fingers once more. A lamp appeared on the table, illuminating the field. "What are you doing? You'll attract monsters, its not safe" I said as I went to blow it out. 

Aphrodite raised her eyebrow at me, giving me the "is this dumb ass white bitch serious" look. I sighed, sitting down across from her. I had been visited by the gods before, mostly when I was a tree. They would stop to pay their respects when they entered the camp. I would also meet them while on the hunt. It is rare meeting a child of the Big Three. For a while, I was thought to be the only one until Percy came along and changed it all. 

"Can I do something for you?" I asked, looking up at her. She looked flawless, absolutely breathtaking. "Yes, you remember your last serious relationship yes?" she asked. I shifted uncomfortably. 

There was a girl, Gabbi. We were together for almost a year when I was on the hunt. She left me for a man and consequently was kicked out of the hunters. We were serious and Artemis didn't mind as long as it didn't conflict with our work. We even shared a camp, we were talking about marriage and kids until she ended it all. 

Aphrodite gave me a sympathetic smile. "I know, that one was rough but in all fairness, I tried to warn you that she was a two-timing skank" she said. I nodded, unsure of what to say. "Okay look, I'm here to tell you that this time, you don't need to worry about this kind of stuff. In fact, something very good or bad - really depends on how you choose to take it -  is about to happen in your love life" she said, taking a sip of her tea. 

I frowned. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, very confused. "Just stay away from alchohol, don't want to make any bad decisions!" she said with a wink. My eyes widened. "No" I gasped. "Oh no, this cannot be happening, no!" I cried. 

Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "Oh honey, this is not a bad thing. If anyone can handle it, its you" she exclaimed. I put my head in my hands, trying to think this through. "No! No, no, no, no, NO!" I screamed. Aphrodite gasped. "Oops, got to run. I promise, everything will work out!" she said with a smile, then she was gone, tea set and everything. She left me standing alone in the field, damn near tears, hyperventilating. 

I sat down, unable to see straight. I heard more footsteps from the distance, they were rushed as if they were running. From the sound of it, it was only one person. I couldn't see anything, it was to dark. I curled up in a ball, I was in no shape to fight. Tears streamed down my face as Leo appeared. 

He spotted me and ran to my side. "Thalia? Thalia whats wrong?" he asked, freaking out. I continued breathing heavy, unable to speak. "Are you hurt? What can I do?" he asked, looking me over, cheacking for any injuries or wounds. 

I shook my head, looking up at him. I was shaking, breathing heavy and crying, I probably looked mad. "H-hold me, just hold me p-please" I shuttered. Leo nodded, wrapping his warm arms around me. 

"You're okay, its going to be okay" he whispered in a soothing voice, rubbing small circles on my back. Slowly, my breathing evened out and I cried into his chest. He held me tighter, he made me feel safe. 

Gods, I couldn't tell him. This would ruin Leo, but right now, I needed him. We must have just sat there for an hour. Eventually, I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. "Are you okay? Do you want to go to sleep?" he asked in a calm tone. I nodded my head. 

Leo kissed the top of my head before picming me up bridal style. "Leo-" I began but he cut me off with a kiss. "Lets get you to bed" he whispered. He carried me across the field and to the RV. When we got inside, Jason looked very confused but I was too tired to care. I rested my head against Leo's chest listening to his heartbeat. 

I saw Leo mouth something to Jason who just nodded. Leo carried me to the bed in the back. He laid me down and grabbed the blanket, spreading it out on me. He acted as though I was a child which seemed well, childish but it was what I needed. 

"I'll come to check up on you every 30 minutes. If you need anything just ask okay?" he said before kissing my forehead. Just as he was about to leave, I reached for his hand. He turned and looked at me. "Can you just, can you just stay here, with me?" I asked softly. Leo smiled, crawling under the covers with me. 

"It would be my pleasure" he said wrapping his arms around me once more. I curled up in his chest feeling at home. I felt myself fall asleep to the calming beat of his heart. 

There, in my dreams, I faced the undeniable truth. I was pregnant. 

***Woah there, more plot twists. Wonder whats going to happen next! Is everyone on board for the Thaleo train now or are there still some stubborn kiddos out there that refuse to jump their ship? As I'm sure many of you have found out, I am a Thaleo shipper. Although, I used to be a Caleo shipper. I don't know what happened really. I just got bored of them and I wrote that one chapter about their night on the beach and it all just came together. Fun fact, that night on the beach was just supposed to be a one night stand and it would be Thalia that died, not Calypso but I liked Thaleo better so I killed off Calypso. Also, another fun fact, in here, Thalia is bisexual! I figured since I made Leo date a girl, I'd have to have someone be a little queer so here is Thalia but that won't interferr with what I have planned for her. I hope you enjoyed my friends and I love all you little demigods! -Izzy

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