Chapter 9

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((Marco's POV))

And so Jean began telling me what happened yesterday. I could see the worry in his eyes as he spoke. But what was the secret he mentioned?

"So, what's that secret?" I asked

"Well it's something that Eren figured out and must've old Levi" he replied, not really answering my question

"Yes, but what is the.." I trailed off at the end


"Oh nothing is as going to ask what the secret is but I realised that I might be invading your privacy"

"Oh, yea, id rather people not know..."

I wonder what the secret was.. But I guess I can't really force him to tell me. After that he was slightly upset or worried which caused me to feel bad.

"Hey, umm can I make it up to you, for earlier?" I asked

A smirk suddenly appeared on Jean's face. Not a good sign. Before I could do or say anything, Jean jumped on me and tarted pinning em to the ground.

"Yea, we can carry on the fight from earlier" he said, therefore I went along with it.

Despite my loss in the last fight, this time I was fully awake therefore after about 10 minutes I finally pinned Jean down. He gave up after a minute or two and I let him go. It was only 10am and we were already lying in the floor out of breath.

"You won this time, freckles" Jean said as he got up to get some door out of the fridge, and to check his phone.

((Jean's POV))

I was starving and grabbed some left overs from the fridge. As they were in the microwave I checked my phone.

Eren: hey horse face, you forgot your keys at Levi's house.

Jean: ugh... Don't call me that and I'm gonna get them with Marco later

Eren: does Marco know?

I had to lie.. And I had to hope he won't realise.

Jean: no

Eren: good. Ok come get the keys before 5 then

Jean: ugh ok

I really didn't feel like going there. And he even made me come before 5 so most people would still be there. What a jerk.

"Jean? Are you ok there?" Marco asked

I snapped out of my thoughts

"Oh yea! Eren texted me that he found my keys" I shouted from the kitchen. I grabbed the food from the microwave and placed it onto two plates, one for me, one for Marco

"Oh we should go there then. But after about 6, everyone will be gone by then"

"Eren told me to pick it up by 5" I handed Marco the food

"Thanks" he began eating like me, "is he trying to humiliate you?"


We soon finished eating and I put the plates in the sink to wash them later.

"So, what should we do today? I mean it's Christmas!" I said happily

Marco smiled at me and suggested we go to the park, and in the end get the keys past 6.

We got dressed warmly and headed out. Marco locked the room and put the keys in his coat pocket.

As we walked I felt a vibration in my pocket. I knew it was Eren so I ignored it. My phone vibrated a few more times before Eren gave up.

"Aren't you going to check it?" Marco asked me

"Nah, I'll let the idiot wait" I gave Marco a smile and we carried on walking.

It's been snowing all the night so the streets were covered in a thick layer of soft snow. The snow was so bright and fresh, is slightly blinded me at first. My eyes soon adjusted and we began walking.

The moment we walked onto the pavement outside the building Marco suddenly disappeared. I heard a girly scream and straight away figured out where Marco disappeared to. As I looked down to help him up, I saw the freckles boy lying on the ice covering his red face.

((Marco's POV))

I lied on the ice covering my face which was as red as ever. I heard Jean quietly laughing at me and I looked in between my fingers to see him holding his hand out to me. I groaned and accepted his help.

"You ok there, Marco?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face

"Y-yea.." I replied, still embarrassed. As I stood up and wiped all the snow off me, we carried on walking.

The park is about 5 minutes from the dorms so it wasn't a long trip. Despite that shirt journey, Jean managed to talk about how I fell over about 100 times. Each time laughing or chuckling, and causing me to blush a dark red each time.

We finally arrived at the park and walked around it. There were a lot of families, kids, couples, groups of friends. It was nice sight. Little children playing int he snow, friends messing about, there was joy in the atmosphere.

Me and Jean walked around for a while in silence before Jean turned to me with a smile plastered on his face.
"We should build a snowman!" He said excitedly.

I chuckled and replied with a "sure". Just a moment later, Jean grabbed my hand and pulled me to a pile of snow. We began rolling the snow until we had 3 massive balls. The hardest bit was placing one on the other. After a while, we succeeded. We decorated the snowman with some rocks and sticks. The end product looked pretty good.

I could see the excitement on Jean's face. He looked like a little kid. I suppose he is a little kid in the inside. Overall his reaction was cute. I just lied at it. By the time we finished,
It was about 3. We decided to go get something to eat then head home.

After arguing about what to get to eat, I suggested we just get a pizza. And so we ordered a pizza and waited for it to arrive. I didn't hear the knock, but Jean shot up to open the door. I barely even started eating, while Jean was scoffing the pizza.

"Slow down! You'll choke" I chuckled

"Marco it's already 4 and we need to get to Levi's before 5" he replied

I stopped eating and looked at him, " I already told you we're not going there until at least 6. You can't let them win" I was worried about him.

"No I really need to get there before 5" he shot back, "if you don't want to, just don't come with me!"

I sat in shock. I've never had Jean act so rude towards me.

He must really want to pretext that secret of his...


Well hello!

So you might've noticed that I've changed the ((>< POV)) from the Middle, back to the side. I just feel like since most ppl do it like that, it'll be easier? Idk help ;-; also sorry if this is crap >~< also expect chapters about this length :)

We'll see you soon!

Fearless (Modern Jean x Marco/JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now