Chapter 22

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((Jeans POV))

Easter passed, it was just me and Marco celebrating together. Actually quite some time passed, and it was now near the end of May. But now it was time for his friends to come over again. He invited Eren and Mikasa over, so I suggested we could play something. One thing I knew about Eren was that he loved video games just as much as me.

So now that that was happening, Marco sent me over to a shop to buy some snacks.

When I returned home, I noticed a note on the table. I picked it up and read it, after setting the few bags of snacks down.

'I'll be back later, had to sort something out. Mikasa should come over in around 20 minutes, and Eren will come with me (around 30 minutes).
Please set the food out and all, and don't get in a fight with Mikasa.

-Love, Marco'

I sighed and set it back down. Now it was time to set the food out. I grabbed several bowls, and filled them with all the food I bought. Some crisps, some sweets, chocolate, and much more.

After filling the bowls up, I placed them on the coffee table and laid on the couch, waiting for Mikasa to arrive. Since I had a few minutes spare I just went on my phone.

Soon enough there was some knocking at the door and I got up to open it. Like I thought, it was Mikasa and so I let her come in, "go ahead sit on the couch, if you want, help yourself to some of the food" I said bluntly. I wasn't happy about her being here, and I wasn't going to pretend I was.

She smiled lightly and walked in, taking a seat on the couch. I sat besides her and went on my phone.

I could see her glancing at me every now and then, but I didn't take my eyes off the phone until she spoke, "So, how long are you and Marco together?" She asked, her voice sounding suspicious.

I turned to her, slightly confused but answered bluntly, "since December, you know when, you do the maths"

I heard her sigh quietly then she moved closer, "December, January, February, March, April, May..." She muttered to herself, "Around 6 months? Fair enough"

I didn't answer. It was pointless.

Mikasa began moving uncomfortably close, and I began moving away. I was only 'talking' to her because Marco wasn't here.

"Mikasa please move away. I'm trying to do something on my phone"

That wasn't completely a lie. I was looking through Instagram, but I mainly wanted her to move away.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Mikasa grabbed my phone and placed it on the coffee table, in between all the food. I frowned and tried to get it back, but before I managed to, she pinned me down on the couch.

"What the fuck?!"

She quickly kissed me, at just the wrong moment. The worst moment actually. I tried to turn my head away to avoid the kiss but failed, and the door opened.

Marco walked through, Eren behind him. Mikasa quickly got off me, before Eren entered but Marco had already seen everything...

Fearless (Modern Jean x Marco/JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now