Chapter 11

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((Jeans POV))

Marco was right. After we went to sleep it started snowing really bad. I'm so glad we went shopping before it snowed us in. Oh yea, I forgot to mention classes were cancelled because we were snowed in.

I looked out the window at the blindingly white snow and let out a sigh. I was bored to death and Marco was reading.

Then I realised I brought my Xbox when I last visited my family just didn't plug it in.

"Marco!!" I exclaimed

He looked up from his book, slightly angry that I interrupted him, "yes?"

"Hey, wanna help me plug my Xbox in? We could play later on"

"I- Uh- I don't really play, but sure I'll help you" he smiled then got up, laying his book aside.

I grabbed a box and after about an hour of messing about we were finally done.
"God this took longer than I expected" he said, "but I guess I should've knew since you kept laughing at me!"

That was.. True, "Because you're clumsy" I started laughing again at how he tripped over the cables and bumped into me. He blushed.

"The cables were all over the floor I can't help it" he looked down at the floor embarrassed

"Exactly! they were everywhere you should've expected them!" I started laughing again until I couldn't breath. After I calmed down we sat there in an awkward silence, "So.." I said,
implying the awkward silence

"Well i'm going back to read" he got up and headed to his bed where he left the book he was reading earlier.

"Are you sure you don't want to play with me?" I shouted from the other room. I heard a yes, and carried on playing for a while.

--Time Skip--

By the time I was finished playing, or more like I got bored, Marco was making some lunch.

"What us making?" I asked and placed my hands over his shoulders from the back. My head fitted perfectly into the crook of his neck. He jumped back a little and realised it was just me, "so?"

"Just some sandwiches" he replied and looked back at the food he was preparing. Ever since yesterday he didn't talk to me much. Was it because I confessed? He did kiss me.. What if he didn't mean it? Of course he meant it you idiot! What if he did it to make me feel better? What if he doesn't love me? What if, what if, what if...

I decided to ask him, "Why re you acting so wierd?"

"I-I'm not" he answered stuttering

"And you just stuttered. You know you can tell me"

"No it's nothing"

After that we ate in silence and I went to draw. Sitting on my bed, I glanced at Marco every now and then, worried. Every few times he also was looking at me. It felt wierd and awkward without the normal, happy, bubbly Marco.

--Time Skip--

I lied in bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what I do wrong. Did I do something wrong? I probably did..

Letting out a rather loud sigh, Marco turned around and looked at me. I didn't notice him. I shivered as the heating stopped working a few minutes ago, and wasn't going to be fixed until tomorrow when the people can try and get to the dorms. For now we were stuck in freezing cold dorms. Amazing...

"Jean?" Marco asked, just loud enough for me to hear if I was awake... Which I was.

"Yea?" I asked rolling from my back to my side, so I faced Marco.

"I'm sorry about earlier it's just I still feel stupid for the kiss and I don't know, you might've not wanted it and I feel bad because I didn't even ask you an-"

I cut him off, "I already said, it's ok" I smirked, "I quite enjoyed it if I'm honest"

He blushed, "well, I, uh, yea.."

"Hey Marco?"

"Yes?"'if someone didn't know us, they could notice how different we are by the way we talk

"I'm kinda cold..." I blushed at what I was about to ask, "do you.. Do you mind if we sleep in one bed tonight? It'll be warmer..." I trailed off at the end. Marco gave me a nod and quickly walked over to my bed, then jumped in.

"Jean, you know i love you too right?" Marco said, turning to face me

"No, well you never told me until now" my cheeks turned a light shade of pink as I just realised Marco confessed to me. I kind of already knew it since he kissed me, but he just properly confessed.

"Well you know now"

He soon fell asleep placing his arm around my waist and I smiled. At least I don't have to worry about this anymore... Now it's just Jaeger. I let the thought go and closed my eyes then soon sleep took over me.

--Time Skip--

The next morning I woke up with Marco's arm around my waist and the heating was on. Confused, I looked at the clock wondering when they came in to fix it.

"Marco!! Wake up! It's already 10 and you're still sleeping??" I exclaimed and Marco looked at me half asleep. He stared at me with a confused look on his face.

"Jean please stop shouting. Don't worry I already woke up earlier just came back" he said following it with a yawn.
[A/N I actually yawned at this part xD]

"Wait! What time was it?? 10??" He suddenly jumped out of bed, "Jean we're meant to be at Armin's and Eren's with everyone else in 10 minutes!" At that I looked at him and rushed to get ready. I honestly didn't want to be going there but I do remember all of our friends saying we'll meet up at Armin's and Eren's if we get snowed in this winter.

I got ready in less than 10 minutes and grabbed a cookie from the kitchen then we headed out.

((Marco's POV))

We walked out the room and upstairs to Armins's and Eren's room. Thankfully it was only 1 floor above ours. Today we were meant to just mess about and spend time together. Sasha, Connie, Berthold, Reiner, Mikasa, Krista, Ymir, Me, Jean and Annie were all invited over.

We knocked one the door which immediately opened making me jump a little. We got welcomed by Armin. Honestly he's a nice guy, he's helped me a bit with things Jean wasn't able to help me with such as classes he wasn't in with me. We all said hello and say on the floor in the room. Eren wasn't here, and when e popped out from the kitchen he welcome us then looked at Jean and smirked,
"Hey, horse face is here!"

Jean rolled his eyes, "you know you don't have to call me that, angry kid"

Eren soon joined us and we all sat in something you could call a circle, if we ignored the fact it wasn't even.

Eren say down and took an empty bottle from next to him, "ok let's play spin the bottle"

Everyone was for except me and Armin, but in the end, after a lot of pleading, we also agreed,

"Ok, so if you're a couple already, you can kiss on the lips, if you're not, just on the cheek" Eren spoke. It seemed fair.

Before we could start there was a knock on the door and Levi walked in then sat beside Eren. Eren spun the bottle first and it landed on Levi. Before we knew it they started making out. Everyone sat there awkwardly waiting for them to finish. Levi spun the bottle, it landed on Krista. He kissed her on the cheek. Ymir glared at him and pulled Krista closer to her later.

Krista spun it and it landed on me. She kissed me on the cheek, an Ymir glared, this time at me. It sent chills down my spin. I grabbed the bottle and spun it.

It landed on no one else than Jean.

And so I've actually got internet so I might update this book :) I feel like it's gonna be finished soon, but don't worry you'll like the ending... Probably.. Maybe..

Anyways! I'll be bored all day long so il be writing the chapter and hopefully I can finish it maybe in Less than a month? Idk but I've got the ending all planned out!!

Have a nice day :)

Fearless (Modern Jean x Marco/JeanMarco AU)Where stories live. Discover now