Chapter 1 (intro)

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I didn't want to kill him. I really, truly didn't. I lifted the gun up to his head. He was my friend, and I never wanted it to come to this... Rested my index finger on the trigger...but I had no choice... A loud gunshot echoed through the hall, waking me from that nightmare. My eyes flew open. I was in a cold sweat, breathing heavy, again.

"You up now?!" Yelled Lancey, a smoking gun in his hand. I nodded my head, stating the obvious without words. "Goddammit Lance. Must you always do that?" I sighed. "And I really hope you used a blank." My words just caused the big man to giggle. Suddenly, Crainer burst in panting and slouched over, hands resting on his knees.

"Lance! Ambrew! You guys all right? I thought I heard a gunshot coming from here!" Soon his eyes focused on the smoke coming from Lancey's gun, causing him to stand up straight. "Lance, why in the world did you fire a gun? You've got to stop doing that if you don't want them to take away your permit again!" Crainer was looking awfully worried, but more than that he looked annoyed.

"Well, Mr.Sleepy-Pants here didn't wanna wake up from his little nightmare again, so I gave him a little jump start to the day, that's all." He replied with a grin on his face.

"Don't worry Crainer, it was only a blank." I said, turning to the bearded man. "I think."

"Okay, good." It took him a minute, but Crainer remembered something, and he made it obvious through facial expressions. "Oh, right. I was already on my way here before you shot the gun. That just hurried me up some more. I was supposed to tell you guys that we're being deployed on another mission!" He jumped up and down, grinning like a mad rabbit.

I raised an eye brow, and could feel a smirk growing on my face. "Is that so?" I looked up at Lancey, who was looking scarily excited, like always. "When are we having the meeting?" He asked, eager to get started.

"At 10:30!" Crainer replied as he ran with Lancey down the hall. I looked at my bedside clock. 10:26. It was in 4 minutes. Holy cow I slept in. "Hey guys, wait up!" I yelled, chasing after them. That's when I realised I was still in my PJ's. Shhhhhhavingcream. I got dressed in a hurry, pulling up my pants and tying my belt as I ran down the hall after them. 10:29. I arrived just in time. Not too early, and not late, but I was out of breath. This is the meeting room. It has precisely 48 seats surrounding the rectangular table, and one large chair at the head. The captain walked to the front of the room, and sat in the head chair. He picked up some papers that were spread out in front of him, giving them a quick read before looking up at us, the 48 troops of the Arca Army, head of Supernatural Affairs.

As soldiers of the Arca Army, it is our job to eliminate all Supernatural threats. Sometimes we even get deployed to take care of Extraterrestrial threats as well! We face Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Zombies, Ghosts, and other stuff like that. When things get out of hand, and even we can't stop them, we can try to get help from a stronger entity, like an Angel, Pixie, Unicorn, Fairy, or even a Dragon. They are all super powerful, and the last thing we would ever want to do is make one angry. That's why they're only for a worst case scenario. We've had to take out some of them before, and it takes a lot of hard work to make peace again with the species. Most often, they see reason in what we did and forgive us, but we wait a long, long time before asking for another favor.

"It's nice to see that you're all here on time." Captain Arcaviouse spoke. His voice was firm and assertive, yet joyful. "As most of you know, there has been an alert coming from a house in LA, USA. Reports have described our target as a man with 2 angels, one of which has gone terribly corrupt. This case is one of a kind, in which two angels and the man all share the same body."

A hush fell upon the soldiers. Oh god, an angel?! Those this are OP as crap! And it's even gone corrupt! How are we supposed to eliminate that?!

"I wouldn't worry though, as the corrupted angel has already been overthrown, and is now only lurking in the back of the man's mind." The Captain continued. "You see, the corrupted and extremely dangerously powerful angel can be reawakened. If that happens, it will become an unbeatable monster which can, and will, wipe out the entire country." A hologram lit up on the table, showing a visual to match the Captains words. "The only way to destroy this corrupted angel, is by killing it's host, the man. If we can get the man while the healthy angel is out of the man's mind, then it may survive, and everything should be okay." When he finished, everyone was shell shocked and silent. Well, everyone except for Lancey of course.

"Mkay Captain, just show us the man's identity and we can get right to it!" He replied cheerily. What is wrong with that guy! Who would be happy about fighting Angels?!

"Wow wow wow, slow down there buddy." The Captain laughed. "Just to be careful, I'll be deploying our 5 most powerful soldiers in this case to get this guy." He picked up his papers and read the names off the list. "Okay then, Soldiers number 27, 9, 16, 24, and 36, you will be staying in this room to learn more about your mission. Everyone else will be backup and temporary commanders. Dismissed."

I sat up and was starting to leave, as Crainer grabbed my sleeve. He pulled me back into my seat with one swift tug. "What do you want?" I whispered. He nodded his head towards the number on my sleeve. 27. Right, I guess I'm fighting an angel. Yippee...

"Okay troops. Here's your roles. 9, Lancey, you're going to be the front man, seeing as you're the best here with firearms. 24, Ava, you will report everything back to me, and record as much as info you can. 27, Ambrew, you will be the head of the operation. 36, Finn, you will be the lookout. 16, Crainer, you will be the backup, filling in and helping whoever needs it. You all got it?"

"Yes sir." We all complied.

"Okay, good. Now, here's your target for this operation. He used to be part of this army, so I do hope that he will feel most negligent towards hurting any of you." As soon as his face popped up onto the screen, the smiles fell off every ones faces, and my heart dropped right into my stomach.

"I do hope you all remember Ian Stapleton, also previously known as soldier #49."

Oh god no. I was really hoping it was just a night terror or something. I guess some dreams do come true, even the nightmares.

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