Chapter 4 (Dream 1)

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Have you ever dreamed of having some unique talent, or power? How much would you have gave to make it a reality?

All I ever wanted was to be special. My name is Mathew, Mathew Stevens, but my friends call me Matt. I didn't like my life, it didn't suit me. I was normal, and so was everyone else. At least I was the only blonde in my class, right? Everyone else was a brunette, and my hair was a little blonder, that had to mean something, right? Well, there was that one ginger in my class, but isn't that normal? Either way, I was jealous of his hair, his unique quality, so I did everything I could to make his life miserable. Then, earlier this week, he moved away to 'stop the bullying'. I wasn't that bad, was I? Making him leave while we were only in grade 7? Whatever. All that I learned from him is that I'm not special. Nothing I did made me special. I wasn't happy. Not at all.

I loved my family, but then, doesn't everyone else? Isn't it normal to love your family? I used to share a room with my little brother, Joe, but then eventually I got my own room. Isn't that normal, too? All I wanted was to be special. I wanted it so badly. I wanted there to be magic in this world, and I wanted to see it, to hold it, to have it, more than anything else. I hated being normal. I wasn't happy.

Eventually, like every other family out there, my parents decided to send me to a summer camp, but this one was different. No one else from my family went with me. I was alone this time. My family looked like they didn't really want to send me, or to see me go, but aren't all families like that? They called it Supernatural camp.

I was given a room, small, compact, and metal, as well as some clothes to change into. An army man suit, in the words of my little brother. Just as I had finished unpacking, a horn rang, telling me it was time to go. I obliged, and followed the man that'd came to get me. I wasn't the only one at this camp. There were other boys as well, all roughly my age, and all just as curious. Just as normal.

For the next 5 weeks, they trained us to become stronger, to fight, and to defend, among other things. On week 5, we learned how to shoot and pilot different machines. Time had flown by, and soon it was the final day, awards day. They told us we'd all be going home, except for their best soldier, who'd get to stay a little longer. Everyone had worked their hardest, and all wanted to win the 'Best Soldier' award. I knew I wouldn't win it though. That would make me special, and though I wished for it, I knew it wouldn't ever happen. I was too normal.

Those thoughts made the surprise even greater as they handed the award to me. Everyone clapped, everyone cheered, and everyone was happy for me. I couldn't believe it. I, Mathew Stevens, was special, and I was happy.

Soon the rest of the campers left, and I was alone with the commanders for what they said was 'only a little longer.' I was hoping to be back home soon, so I could start grade 8 in school, but a little wait didn't seem like that big of a deal, right? And I did miss my family, but that was normal. I didn't want to be normal. According to camp, I was special now.

I was send back to my room to get changed into a blue robe. As soon as I was done, I heard a slight hissing sound, like gas escaping from a tube. I had learned how to survive a gas leak in training, but the commanders voice came over the loud speaker, and told me to just lay down and take a nap. I was scared now. I wanted to go home, but I followed my commands and did what I was told. I regret it now. All I wanted was to be special.

All I saw was black for a long, long time. Every once and a while though, I'd wake up for a split second, and feel the most excruciating pain. Fire shooting up and down my spine, and thousands-no-millions of knives and needles stabbing at my arms, back, and head. I was burning alive in a prison of ice, but then I'd fall right back asleep. I didn't dream, so all I could do was wait, and sit around in my own subconscious, thinking back on my life, wandering through memories. I missed my family, and feared never seeing them again, or my friends, or even that ginger. I wonder how he's doing now? I hope he's okay. All I want is to get out of here. I have to tell him I'm sorry. I want to yell it to the sky, I'm sorry! I need to. With all this anger, guilt, and sadness seeming to haunt me forever, I can't wait until the day I escape, break free.

All I wanted was to be special.

Please, don't make me be special.

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