Chapter 3

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We landed in the back yard of a nice blue house. It was not the house of the target, but it was near by. It had to be. Sadly, whoever owned the house just happened to be home, and was not happy about the fact that we had landed on his garden. 

"Who are you guys?!" He asked. 

"Excuse me but I am very much a girl, thank you." Snapped Ava from another bush. 

"Sorry." Sighed the man with green shorts. "Again, who are all of you?" None of us seemed very eager to answer. I was still shell shocked from my high fall, Lancey was tangled in his parachute, Ava was offended, and Crainer was on the phone with someone, but quickly hung up. It was like he'd only said one word. There was only one man for this job now. 

"That doesn't matter. All that matters is you telling us where we are, exactly." Finn took control of the situation like a pro, which he was. 

The man responded right away. "32 Grande Ave, LA, USA, North America, Ear-" 

"Okay that's enough." Finn interrupted. The man suddenly looked like he was woken from a trance. Is Finn some type of hypnotist or something? 

The man started right up from where he left off. "Tell me who you are or I'm calling the cops." He looked angry. "Now." 

Luckily, we already had all the information we needed. The target only lived a couple of houses down, at 37 Grande Ave. Lancey was eager to impress, so as we left he shouted back at the man. "We're from the secret military. Love your red glasses!"  

The man stopped,but soon started up again. We still heard him yelling from across the street, but then Finn started to whistle a little ditty. He snapped his fingers to the rhythm, as he does when he's annoyed. Suddenly, the man just stopped, turned around, and went back into his house to his violet haired wife whom I saw through the window when we first landed. I should try getting into music soon. His whistling always seems to make people calm down. Or is it the snapping? I don't know, but either way it works and I wanna know how to do it too. His song soon reached an end. 

We approached the targets house and got prepared to capture. Thank god we don't have to kill him. I just wouldn't be able to live with myself. We got into formation to follow the plan, and began. Lancey picked through the front door with Crainer watching for him, Ava went in through the chimney, and Finn and I took the back door. While he was picking the lock, I felt like having a little chat. 

"So, how old are you anyway? I never asked." 

"Doesn't matter." He snapped. 

"C'mon man, at least a hint. It's the little things that really build a friend ship. You know?"

"Older than you." His response surprised me. 

"Really? You don't look any older than 17 to me." I seriously thought he was a kid. 

"Well I am. My family's known for ageing quite well." He says with a smirk. 

"Why is that? Does your family have some anti-ageing secret technique, passed down through generations?" I joked.

He didn't answer, but instead changed the subject to something a little more important. "We're in." Finn whispered, motioning for me to follow him in. The house was nice and organised with a big living room, and an efficient kitchen. There was a basement door, but we didn't bother to check down there since we already knew the whole layout of the house, and that there was nothing more than one room. I think there's something weird about that door though, as if it's hiding more than just some steps and a room. We knew that the target was upstairs. Finn and I waited until we saw that the others were all in their position, then started. 

As we approached the steps, Finn would also glance over towards the suspicious basement door, as if he sensed something strange too, but we continued with our mission, just as we were told. Our squad slowly sneaked up the steps, careful not to let the floorboards creak as we reached the top floor. Then, the door to his room was in sight. I approached it, but Finn thought otherwise, and pulled out a gun. 'Just in case.' He signaled. I nodded, and the rest of the crew got armed as well. It was time to go in, and complete the operation. I lifted my hand to give the signal. 3, 2, SMASH1. We barged into the empty room, only to be met with the nice breeze brought in by the freshly smashed window. Ava ran right over to look out. I heard someone mumble 'He couldn't have gone that far, right?' only to be corrected my Ava. 

"There's, nothing... he escaped... he's gone." She spoke in disbelief. Lancey didn't want to accept it, so he did what he does best. Jumping out of windows to go catch magical creatures. "C'mon! Let's go get'em!" He yelled just before he leaped. Crainer shrugged, as if to say 'Why not?' then followed his friends lead. I just went with it, as well as Finn and Ava. No one bothered to stay behind to search the room, all though I feel as if that may of helped us, if we're gonna be facing a corrupted angel, we need all the arms we can get. We ran through the yard and began our search. Suddenly, Finn stopped and turned around to face the house, pulling out a gun. "He's on the roof!" He was right. Ian wasn't on the roof, but our target was. Ian doesn't have wings, but our target does. I couldn't believe what had become of my friend. Even though he was empty handed, he still looked so dangerous and strong, yet beautiful and... scared? That's an expression I hadn't seen on his face in a long while. I tried to calm him down. "Heeyyyy buddy! Long time no see, am I right?" I spoke while in a surrendering stance, unarmed. He looked from me, to Crainer, to Lancey, then me, to Crainer, and Lancey again. "It's us, your friends! Don't you remember us Ian?" Crainer spoke up. He wasn't looking at us anymore, but rather at Finn, who didn't exactly look like he was here to have fun. 

I swear, he shot first. 

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