Chapter 8

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Finn's POV

We flew straight at each other, causing blood to splatter, fizz, and disappear against the wall of magic surrounding us. I would regrettably slice through his flesh at watch it heal, knowing the pain he felt from my own experiences. I liked to think that he had the same idea whenever he cut through me. I'll admit, I really did like this shirt. He also had quite the sense of style. What a shame. 

We drove stab after slice right into each other, just Derp and I. Honestly, I'd been waiting for a true battle like this for a while. We dove from wall to wall, kicking off them to have better attacks.  He threw a punch aimed for my face, but I dodged it, just as he did with my attacks. The only way we'd ever land a fatal hit on the other is if one gave up, but neither of us were planning on doing that any time soon, so the empty battle continued. As we did this, I thought about what was really going on. I had hypnotized my coworkers, betraying their trust, then I did the same to the wizards, and now as a consequence, I had to attempt a slaughter on the one person that ever somewhat understood me. And to make it worse, he actually had people who would miss him. Gotta love karma. I kept aiming for the body of my attacker, as he did to me, but eventually, a strained voice, the same as before, rang through my mind, though only for a moment. 

Wings. The weak voice chimed, seemingly having gone through a lot of struggle to speak to me. I followed it's command without question. The next time he charged at me, I dodged to the left and aimed unexpectedly for his wings. To both of our surprise, the hit landed, and well, leaving a lot of damage. Even though his wing did heal quickly, it didn't heal quickly enough. Derp plummeted to the ground, lifting a cloud of dust from our previous attacks. I dove down at him, spraying fire to destroy his feathery wings. I didn't know dry blood burned so well, even with feathers as kindling. I struck again and again at his body, digging deeper towards the heart. His flesh would heal around my claws, but I would cut faster. Eventually I found his futile flailing bothersome, and disposed of his extremities with a couple clean cuts. Screams rang through the air from the pain I'd caused him. I couldn't hear it over my own guilt from harming such a wonderful creature. 

Wait, what did I call him? A... beautiful creature? No, he's a monster. Just like me and everything else in this world. I reached his heart at last, and pierced my claws right through it, causing an explosion of blood to spurt everywhere as I sliced away the veins and arteries away with care. I wanted nothing more then to hold his demolished heart in my hands. After all, he'd finally stopped struggling. 

Thank you. The voice whispered, now calm. I sensed his departure almost immediately after. 

I could feel the barriers come down, all except for one. The feet of the purple wizard landed on the ground, and were already moving at a fast pace towards his friend, the one who's heart I held in my hands. 

"Finn! What did you do? I thought I told y-" 

I don't know if he kept talking, furious at what I'd done, or if he'd stopped, shocked to see the dismembered corpse of his friend. And honestly, I didn't care. By now his wings -a pathetic excuse for them by now, after my flames- had sunken away somewhere, either into his body or the air. I couldn't tell through the tears brimming my eyes. I'd killed a true angel. At least, to me. Where others saw a demon, I saw the only thing that wasn't so monstrous, and... I killed it. I killed it painfully and purposefully. I'm the monster. There was only one thing I could think to do now. 

Kill the monster, and revive the angel. 

I'd always dreamed of doing this, killing myself to save another. 

I dug my claws into my own chest. I felt my claws carve out my heart. I know now that I have only a few seconds before...

It hurt, a lot. 

My heart came out rather easily, and I'd stopped feeling the pain

I need to do this. He's a father, a husband, a son, and a friend. He's actually loved. 

I gently placed my heart into his chest, and watched it begin to sap onto its new body. He's human, so it should work. My blood should survive in him just long enough to fully heal him, and let him live normally and happily again. For once in a long, long time, I felt truly happy. Actually, I think I was kinda... special. Slowly, I rested my head on the ground beside him, and closed my eyes, falling... 

And I was nothing more... than a monster. 

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