Chapter 6

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Ian's POV


That was all he said. My friend, one of the three I haven't spoken to in years. I knew what Crainer meant, and I knew what to do. I knew that they'd soon be here, that they're coming to get me, most likely to eliminate me, destroying my two angels along with me. I didn't know that Derp was so dangerous, that they'd kill their friend and risk starting a fight with angels for it. They must not know that he's been taken care of by me already, or maybe they do know but want to make sure of it themselves. Either way, I knew that if I wanted to live, I needed to run, and I needed to run now. 

I knew there was going to be a fight, there always was, but some preparations had to be made. First priority, family. Once I was sure that my wife and son were safe, I called some friends of mine. A sorcerer, and a silent ninja-like bad-ass, as well as some others, telling them to join my family in hiding, and wait in the basement with them, and to cast a spell of secrecy around them. They all needed to be ready for anything. Then, I spoke to my favored angel, SSundee. 

You there?

Yeah. What's going on now?

Well, there's s-

Never mind, I already know. 

How do you alwa-

I just do. 

Wings sprouted from my back, tearing my shirt. 

I sense a presence of many, in the basement. 

That's m-

Wait, now they're gone, or rather, cloaked by a strong spell performed by three. Who is it?

That's my family and friends being cloaked by Brice, Seto, and maybe even James. 

The wizards? 

Yes, SSundee. Although some prefer the term 'sorcerer'. 

The wings slowly sunk back in.


The wings tore right back out. 

I  sense four- no -five more! Wait, maybe four? I can't really tell. 

What do you mean? 

It's like there's four and a half humans, but the half is somehow stronger, but with a smaller signal. It's like... 

What is it? SSundee?!

Run, like your friend said, just run far, far away, and now. Or better yet, fly, though that may now help as much. 

What? Why?!

I approached the window, preparing to leap out and take flight

Never mind that, it's no use. You're going to have to fight. Go to the roof instead. 

I stretched out my wings, gliding at first, then slowly ascending. 

Please explain what's going on. Why can't I just fly away? 

Because one of them can too. 


I  landed on the roof without a sound. 

Last time I checked, none of my friends could fly!

Well, what was the last time you checked? 

Secret SSundee 2: Loyal DeceptionWhere stories live. Discover now