Chapter 10

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Seto's POV

I watched as Brice closed the door behind him. I just needed some time to think, and maybe talk to the co-workers of the dragon boy, Finn. There was also a certain spell I wanted to try on him, if I could. 

The girl, Ava, was still standing over him, seemingly protecting his body, or maybe just shocked by his appearance. Either way, her eyes were glued to him, and only him. I stood in silence behind her for a while, and eventually attempted communication. 

"Hey, you okay?" I asked. No response came. I tried to get her attention by placing a hand on her shoulder. It worked. She whipped around, catching my arm and throwing me over her shoulder. I hit the ground with a thud. "Aurghh..." When I tried to sit up, a foot pushed me back down by the chest. 

"What do you want now?" She snapped at me, keeping my back flat on the ground. As my vision focused, I could see tears staining her cheeks. 

"Are you... crying?" I mumbled, earning myself a free 'get the all the air removed from your lungs' coupon, to be used immediately. Eventually I regained my breath. "I'm sorry, okay?" I coughed up my words. "I just wanted to try a spell on Finn before he was completely drained of life and begins to decompose." 

Another coupon. 

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Just lemme go, please!" My voice was wheezy, put articulated enough to be understood. She removed her foot from my probably damaged rib cage. Luckily, I had a weak healing potion on me from Brice. Gotta love that guy. 

"Thank you." I finally spoke, lungs usable again. 

"Whatever. Just do what you want with him and let me be. Got it?" She snapped, eyes still glazed with tears. 

I nodded vigorously, not wanting to be hit again. "Yes, thank you." My legs didn't seem to want to work as I tried to stand up, making me fumble over myself a few times before regaining composure. Without another word, I walked up to Finn's body, knelt down beside it, and got to work. I could feel Ava's strong presence behind me as I leaned over the said man's corpse, making me worried about what she may do to me if I messed up. 

The spell I'd be casting was a complex one, only known to high level sorcerers like myself, and strong magical beings, like dragons, fairies, demons, angels, etc. It was dangerous, and was quite often known to bring great trauma, depression, rage/fury, or inspiration to the caster, depending on how many times the spell is cast, how strong the caster is, and the person it is cast on. After all, what other effects would you expect from a spell that lets you see into a person. Not their bodies, though it may seem that way at first, there's actually more to it. What you really look into is both their body and their soul. It only works on either living things, or things freshly killed. Apparently the effects fade away with the bodies natural warmth. I must know, what does he look like. As I cast the spell, I felt a pinch of regret, startled by what I saw inside of him. 

Millions of cuts and stabs, a mix of chemicals and blood. His entire being seemed to be held together by threads of hope and blades of despair. Too many attempts at the impossible relief he'd die for. Here and there you'd see inhuman bones and muscles, rammed together like jigsaw pieces from another game. They didn't belong, and it was very well shown. Digging deeper I saw memories of joy and laughter with people he thought loved him as much as he loved them, only to be abandoned and torn apart. Whirlpools of tears, waves crashing together with the shattering sound of the knives that would slice him, in a never ending ocean as deep as infinity with all the beasts your imagination could come up with, even in your worst nightmares, lurking around you, laughing, as you struggle hopelessly to stay afloat in this never ending storm we call life. One phrase echoed throughout. Sticks and stones can't break my bones, no matter how hard you hit me. That doesn't mean I don't feel the pain. You don't even need words to break me. I'm shaking, yet unshakable. Breaking, yet unbreakable. I can't accept it, I hate the new me, half monster. 

Searching upwards now, I met his mind. It was torn apart into tiny pieces, stabbed by needles used to try to sew them back together with the brittle threads of sanity, only for them to snap as you try to stitch the other parts together again. No matter how quickly you stitch, digging more holes into the bleeding edges of his mind, the threads would just snap before you could bring them all together again. It was a hopeless battle, but you can't give up -no- you can never give up. It's for the sake of survival in this world. It doesn't matter how much you want to give up, you can't. It isn't a matter of will power any more. Those scientists made sure of that. You try whatever thread you can get your weakened hands on. Hope, but that eventually fades away. Strength? Too superficial, fake. Too easily broken, and is never really there. You try joy *lies*, trust *abandons*,  trickery *damages*, anger *explodes*. You try everything, until at the last seconds, as the body is fighting more than it ever has before, you find a new thread, one you hadn't seen in a long, long time. It's warm, bright, and had a calming pink glow. The final thread, a thread of love, was one of the last threads you ever used. And it worked. 

As I watched it all fade away, I thought in awe of what this poor man had to go through. Even though it was all right in front of me, I knew that I couldn't couldn't even begin to picture all that really happened in his long, long, agonizing life. I watched as all the dark colors of his lifetime fade, leaving one final color, the most beautiful shade of pink, to fade last, and alone. 

May you finally rest in peace, Finn. 

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