Chapter 5 (Dream 2)

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"Hey, Matt, you awake yet?" A rough voice woke me up. My eyes shot open. I felt so... strange. "Oh good, you are!" He said with a smile. "Hungry?"

"Yeh, I-" Wait, this can't be my voice. It's not this deep and... sore?

"What happened?" I groaned, sitting up. Then, it hit me. I remembered everything. All the darkness, all the waiting, and the regret. I ran to the bathroom, almost tripping several times on my unused legs. I barely heard the man behind me speak, "He's awake."

I slammed then locked the door behind me. What did they do to me? I splashed my face with water. The sink seemed smaller. Now that I think about it, everything did. Or maybe... I was... bigger? Above the sink was a mirror, the same as always, but there was something wrong with it. There had to be. The boy I saw in the mirror looked almost like an adult, where as I was only 12. I was supposed to be going into grade 8 in a few days, seeing my friends after a long summer of camp. My hair was brown. I was a child. The mirror showed a blonde. The mirror showed a young man. It couldn't be me, I knew it, but his eyes... they were mine. That's where I broke. I was itching all over. I tore off the robe they had told me to put on all that time ago. I was expecting to be covered with bruises and scars, but there was nothing. At least not on me, and not through the mirror. I looked down on my bare body and saw pale, white skin. Then I looked closer, and somehow, I looked into myself. And I saw them.

Cuts, slices, bruises, stabs, and chemicals were all that I could see. I was filled with numb, invisible agony. Practically made of it. I tore through myself, seeing bones and muscles that were inhuman resting painlessly inside of me. I was angry. What had they done to me?! They stole my life and everything in it, all those years, and now even my humanity. ARE THEY HAPPY NOW? Are they HAPPY with what they'd done to me? Have they TAKEN their FILL yet, because LORD KNOWS I have LOTS to give. Or at least I HAD at ONE point, before they took it ALL AWAY.


I slowly, yet shakily, put back on the blue robe and unlocked the door. I was smiling as I opened up the door, only to be met with a couple armed guards, and a man in a white lab coat.

"Hello, Mathew. It's nice to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

He smiled back at me as I approached him, then I gave a quick laugh as I tore the smile right off his face with my talons. Wait, talons? His coat was now a beautiful, deep shade of scarlet, laying torn upon the floor along side him. I then turned around to face the guards, who were now terrified of me. What do scared men do when they hold guns? They shoot, and they did. They shot bullet after bullet right through me, but I didn't even flinch. I waited until they were out of ammo, and then smiled as my fresh wounds quickly healed from under my blood soaked robe. Giant silver wings sprouted from my back. By the time I was done with them, I'd found a cool new way to dye blue robes, red.

Next was the rest of the facility. Guns were fired, and blood was spilled. I found the lab where they'd destroyed me, and returned the favor. I smashed every table with my tail, and burned every paper with my breath, until there was nothing left but glass and ash. I left only two things standing. A mirror, and a safe. The mirror had shattered corner, but it still showed enough of me to see that I was a monster. Sure, I still had the body of a human, but I also had the wings, tail, fangs, claws, and fire of a dragon. Looking closer, I saw my eyes. They were no longer the beautiful shade of blue I'd seen only hours ago, but now the pupils were like those of a cat, surrounded by a silver iris to match the rest of my dragonic monstrosity. Slowly, as I calmed down, my new 'features' sank back into my body, with only a twinge of pain. I was too numb to feel it, to shocked and angry to feel anything. They'd stolen my identity. Matt was dead. I need a new name, a new identity. One to replace what they took from me.

I didn't know what to do, so I opened the safe on the ground, by slicing the hinges with my talons. Inside were files, with the label Fini, which I knew from school was french for finale, finished, complete, or done. As I read through the files, I learned about their experiments, about what they'd done to me. How I'll age up to 20 times slower, how I will be able to see through and control normal people, even how my senses were all at peak strength and capacity. It explained how I was practically a dragon now, but with a human body capsule, and how my life would never, ever be the same again. I'll never be able to apologize to that ginger for what I'd done. To the scientists, I was their grande finale. My life was finished. Their experiment was complete. I was done. Done with this life. I am Fini. That's just who I am now. That's my new identity, my new name.

My name is Finn...

...and I hate monsters. 

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