Chapter 8

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POV: Ian

I woke up the next morning still against Ally's door, bringing back the memories of last night.

I sighed, standing up and walking out to the kitchen, finding everyone was awake. They all smiled at me and said hi, earning a small smile from me.

I grabbed some OJ out of the fridge and poured a glass, David and Josh walked over, worried expressions on their faces.

I sighed, "She's...she's not ok."

I looked over a David who, for once in his life, cares about someone. You could tell by the look on his face, he really cares about her. Josh was the same, but that was normal. She's really changing this group.

We heard a creak of a door opening from the hallway and all perked up. Ally came walking down the hallway, stopping when she saw us all looking at her.

She spotted me and frowned. I saw the sadness in her eyes. The sorry, the worry...

POV: Ally

Why did I have to do this to them?

Their lives were perfect, until I came around. I made them like this. I made them sad. I ruined their lives.

I sighed and walked over to Ian and gave him a side hug, "Morning....I'm going to go walk around."

He nodded and pulled out his phone, "Anthony's number is in there, call him if you need us and the pin is..." He leaned in to my ear so the others wouldn't hear, "2486"

I nodded and headed out the door, waving bye to everyone before going.

I closed the door and breathed in the morning air. I loved going outside in the morning, that's when the air is nice and....hold on. Is that thunder clouds?

I looked up and saw dark clouds hovering over the house. I felt a chill go up my spine. I hate thunder storms. Ever since that day....


I was sitting in my room, drawing when I heard it. The thunder.

I jumped and fell off my bed, running out to the hallway, where my bullies were.

They laughed and pointed at me, the leader snorted, "She's scared of the thunder!"

I shook my head, "No! It just came out of no where!"

She walked up to me and grabbed my arm, "Really? So would you be scared if I did this!"

Next thing I know, she throws me outside in the worst storm of the year. I banged on the door, pleading to be let back in but it was no use...I was stuck out there.

They left me in the freezing cold all night....I almost died that night.

I sorta wished I d-

~~End of FlashBack~~


I jumped out of my skin and looked around me to find it pouring. Lightening striking down to the ground.

My breathing quickened, I couldn't move, all I could was sit there and stare at it. The horror before me.

I needed Mrs. Harvard.

I heard the door open and closed and felt someone run into me. I fell to the ground, landing on my knees, still looking at the storm.

The person ran in front of me, "Ally?! Ally what are you doing?!"

I recognized the was Ian.

I could see his eyes go wide in the corner of my eye, "Shit, you're having a panic attack!"

He got up and called into the house, "ANTHONY!"

The rain started to fall down harder, hurting my back. I wanted to move, to get out of there, but I couldn't. I felt numb.

Suddenly, Ian and Anthony were in front of me, blocking the view of the horrid storm.

Anthony looked at me with calming eyes, "'s's only a storm. Once we get inside, you'll be safe. The crew is in there. David and Josh. You know them right? The people that see you as their little sister. And you're friends Mari and Matt. Ian and I will protect you."

My breathing started to return to normal and I could move. I looked at Ian and Anthony, Ian looked a little more worried than Anthony, but I knew it was because he was scared. Anthony seemed to know what I was going through though.

I looked up at Anthony, "You have panic attacks, don't you."

He nodded, "I get them a lot when I remember my past...or see something that reminds me. It happens a lot."

I nodded and got up, Ian and Anthony quickly doing the same. But they didn't do it fast enough, I saw the storm. Reminding me that I was out in it.

My eyes went wide. To make it even worse, thunder boomed, causing me to jump and run inside. Bumping into the David.

I wrapped my arms around him, him doing the same, "You ok Ally?"

Ian walked past us to the sliding glass door, "She afraid of the storm..."

David nodded and knelt down in front of me, "Why?"

I shook my head. I tried to say something but couldn't. I was too shaken with fear.

What if they throw me out in the storm? What if I get a repeat of my child hood?

I looked at them all. I mustered the strength to talk, "I...I'm going to go to my room."

I started walking but Ian stopped me by getting in front of me, "Are you sure?"

I was about to reply when thunder boomed and lightening struck, causing me to jump and wrap my arms around Ian.

He sighed and picked me up, walking me to my room. He settled me down on the bed and sat next to me, "Can you please tell me why? I won't tell the others, only Anthony."

I shook my head, "I'll only tell you if you don't tell anyone, not even Anthony."

He looked unsure, but sighed and finally gave in, "Ok..."

I told him everything and after words, he pulled me in for a hug, "We would never do that. I knew you had to get out of there. So did Anthony."

I sighed and hugged him back, clutching onto him when I saw the lightening in my window.

Ian pulled back, "Do you want to go back out there?"

I shook my head.

He sighed and laid down next to me, "Then I'm not leaving you until the storm is over."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"No problem kiddo."

I laid my head on his chest and let out a breath of relief. What was he so afraid about? He's the best father any daughter could dream of.

And I'm that lucky girl.


So I have a serious question for you's about the book. Well actually, I have a few.

Should Ally get a boyfriend?

Do you guys like the fact that Ian and Anthony have girlfriends?

Should I introduce Felix and Marzia into the book?

How about Kalel?

Those are all the questions. You can answer them in the comments. It will mean a lot if you do because it shows that you are a true member of this pack.

But anyways, I'll howl at you later, my pack!🐺

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