Chapter 17

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POV: Ally

I shot up, shaking from the nightmare I had. I wasn't expecting that. I was just expecting to see Josh being killed over and over, but this.....this was worse.

Ian walked into the room, smiling, until he saw me. His smile dropped and he sat on the bed, "What happened?"

I looked at him, teary eyed, "D-Do you think Josh blames me for his death?"

Ian frowned and took my hand, cupping it in both of his, "No, of course not....why do you think that?"

I sighed, "Well, the same nightmare was playing over and over....Josh was stabbed...and he didn't die right away, he had enough time to blame it on me and tell me that he hates me. He then died....he has to blame me..."

Ian didn't say anything. He just kept looking at the ground, thinking I guess. Well, it looked like it.

He finally looked up at me, "What were Josh's last words again?"

"I love you Ally..."

"Exactly....would someone that blames you, or hates you, say that? Especially as their last words?"

I shook my head, "I guess not."

He smiled and kissed me in the forehead, "See....I told you he doesn't blame you....."

He walked out of the room, leaving me there to think about what he said.

I sighed and threw my legs over the side, placing my feet down on the ground. I felt something soft under my feet and looked down to see the plush Batman. I bent down, picking it up, and staring at it. The memory of when I got it flashing through my eyes....


Josh and I were playing Batman Arkham Night, for a GameTime, when all of a sudden he paused the game and looked at me, "Ally."

I looked at him with an confused expression, "Yea? What's up?"

He smiled, "I got you something, to remember this day....even though you can just watch the video."

I laughed and watched as he pulled out a plush Batman out from a box. I gasped and grabbed it, the soft cape brushing my fingers.

I studied it a little bit more before giving Josh a bear hug, "Thank you so much!"

He hugged back and I felt the smile he had across his face on my shoulder, that's how big it was, "No problem kid..."

~~End Of FlashBack~~

I wiped a tear away and sighed, walking out of the room with the Batman in hand.

I walked into the living room, Ian and Anthony were on the couch talking. They stopped when they noticed me and smiled, "Hey Ally!"

I nodded and went into the kitchen, putting the Batman on the counter and going into the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. I haven't been keeping myself healthy. I haven't been eating as much as I me dumb but losing someone can do this to you.

I grabbed the Batman and walked down the hall, going into the office and sitting in the chair. I opened up YouTube and searched up the video, playing it.

I clutched onto the Batman the whole time, not wanting to let go. The top of it was going to be soaked with my tears but I don't care, I could care less at the moment.

When the video was over, I began sobbing out loud, clutching onto it harder. Then, the most unexpected thing talked.

I gasped and squeezed it again, the last words that Josh said coming out of this little plush Batman....

"I love you Ally."

I cried even harder, hugging the plush Batman once again, "I love you too Josh..."

I felt someone's gaze on me and turned to see Ian at the doorway. He knelt down and outstretched his arms, I ran over and squeezed him, "I loved him so much..."

Ian let out a shaky breath, "I loved him too....I think we all did...."

We pulled back after a while, he stood up and smiled, "He loved you Ally, so much....don't forget that."

He walked out of the room after that. I know what he's doing. He's going to keep reminding me how much Josh loved me each time he sees me.

I sighed, how does he expect he's going to help me? I've been through so much....depression, abusing....loss....

To be honest, I rather have been abused then lose someone I love.....

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