Chapter 9

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POV: Ally

I woke up to Ian not being there.

I sighed and sat up, remembering last night, how the crew came over and slept over. I wonder if they're still here?

I got out of the bed and walked down the hallway to the living room, not seeing everyone. Strange.....they probably went home though.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen, but stopped when I saw Ian outside, on the door step, just sitting there.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and walked to the door, opening it and sitting down next to him, "Hey Ian."

He didn't look at me, but I saw the tears falling down his cheek and to the ground.

I turned myself so I was facing him, "What's wrong?"

He looked at me and shook his head, "I'm sorry...."

I cocked my head in confusion, but next thing I know, I'm at the orphanage. Ian and Anthony are at the counter, signing papers.

I smiled, it must be for them to adopt me.

But, I was wrong.

They finished and walked to the door, when I was trying to follow them, Mrs. Harvard pulled me back, shaking her head.

I looked at Ian and Anthony, tears in my eyes, "Why....I thought you were going to keep me?"

Ian looked at me, tears in his eyes like at the doorstep, "I'm sorry...."

That's all they said before walking out the door, and out of my life....



I shot out of my bed, clinging to my blankets.

I looked around and noticed I was still in my room....but where's Ian?

I jumped up and ran down the hallway to the living room....the crew wasn't there.

I started to breath heavily when I heard a scream from out back. I ran to the glass door to find the crew in their bathing suits, with water guns.

I smiled, it was just a dream.

I jumped up and ran to my room, changing into my bikini and running outside with a water gun, "Die!"

They all looked at me as I squirted them with the water, causing them to scream.

I laughed and ran around, happy I'm still with them.

~~Time Skip~~

We walked into the house, covered in mud. I was mostly covered since Ian and Anthony attacked me, then David and Josh....I'm surprised I'm still alive!

I jumped and ran to the bathroom, "I CALL SHOWER FIRST!"

They all groaned as I laughed and closed the door, forgetting to lock it as I hopped in the shower...

My biggest mistake....

~~Time Skip~~

I got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around me. I smiled in the mirror, not because I look pretty, but because my eyes have light in them....hope...

I sighed and opened the door....well actually....not really.

My hand kept slipping off, I banged on the door, "IAN ANTHONY, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU GUYS!"

I heard laughing in the hallway and the door opening, I was face to face with a camera.

I gasped, "You were filming that?!"

I looked behind the camera and saw Mari nodding.

I shook my head and laughed, " I know to keep the door locked."

She laughed as I walked down the hallway to my room, locking the door behind me.

I walked into my closet and looked at my choices....I wound up choosing jean shorts and a flowy black crop top, with the black Jordans Ian got me.

I looked in the mirror and smiled, walking out to the living room to find the crew filming themselves....for a Lunch Time I assume.

I frowned, "Filming without me I see!"

Ian smiled, "Well, you were taking forever!"

I rolled my eyes, "I had to get mud out of my hair!"

Ian, Anthony, Joven, and David all started sliding down the chairs while Mari, Matt and I laughed.

They all came back up and laughed too. Ian faced the camera at me, "So, Ally, would you like to join us....finally...."

I smiled and took a seat between Ian and Anthony, "I'd love to."

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