Chapter 1

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POV: Ally

Do you ever just think, maybe today will be different. Maybe, God will give me a break. Well, I used to.

I never met my parents. I was given away to this hell hole of an orphanage. I have no clue on who my parents were. All that the ladies will tell me is that they gave me up. I know nothing else.

No names, no family I could talk to, no siblings, nothing. Na da.

I sighed and stood up from the side of the bed. I don't know why I still get out of bed on adoption days. People say I lost the hope in my eyes that was once there. Well, I did. What did you expect? I've been taken out of here and put right back after the month ended. I never knew why. The family acted like they loved me and like they were going to keep me, so I grew close. But, it never lasted. So, I'd come back here, and cry for days. It hurts to think you are loved, but you obviously aren't.

I walked into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. The warm water relaxed my muscles and gave me time to think about my plan.

I put little thought into my plan. The plan is to just not get close. Don't tell them about me, don't talk a lot. Stay away. And important of them whatever they say. Cause if I don't, that's when the abusing starts.

I turned off the water and threw on my clothes which consisted on skinny jeans, fake uggs, and a loose tang-top. I looked into the mirror. The person I saw looking back wasn't the same as the person I saw a month ago. That last family really hit me. Hard. I fell for them. They were so nice and just....welcoming. Ever since I got back, I wasn't the same. I used to be happy, cheery, I'm depressing, sad, and just down right ready to give up.

I dried my hair and brushed it. My blonde hair fell to the length of my elbows. It used to be down to my hips, but I hated it.

I looked into my eyes. My eyes that once looked like ice crystals, but now have lost their light.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom to see Mrs. Harvard sitting on the edge of my bed.

I cleared my throat, making her jump. When she saw that it was me, she smiled and relaxed.

Mrs. Harvard was my only friend. I don't get along with any of the other kids. Mrs. Harvard was the only one that I talked to. She understood me. She understood the pain.

She stood up and flashed her "it's going to be ok" smile, "You look amazing!"

I looked down at myself and back up to her, "I dress this way all the time. Why would today be different?"

She sighed, "Please, don't act like this for the family that's coming in today. You won't get adopted with that attitude."

"Who says I want to be adopted?"

"You want out of here as much as the next kid."

"Honestly, I don't care. I have a few more years before I get out."

"Ally, you're fourteen. You still have four more years. You won't survive that long."

I squinted my eyes at her, "Watch me."

With that, I walked out of my room and to the cafeteria for breakfast. I got the usual, scrambled eggs and toast. On which I only eat about a quarter.

I walked over to a chair at an empty table. Kids rather be cramped next to each other than sit by Ally, "the girl most likely to become goth".

I sighed and finished my breakfast in silence. I threw away my plate and looked up at the clock, 10:00 am. Only two more hours to go....

~~Time Skip~~

"Alright everyone! Line up from youngest to oldest!"

Everyone ran into a line, trying to get in front. Me? I just walked. I dread this day. Seeing everyone else get picked and kept just....isn't a pleasant sight.

I was in the very back since I was the oldest. I didn't care though. It meant that I didn't get bullied like the thirteen year olds bullied the ten year olds. The ten year olds used to look at me for help. Now? Now they are helpless and don't even think about me. I just ignored them to the point that they stopped.

I groaned and leaned against the wall. This was going to be a long hour or so.

~~Two hours before~~

POV: Ian

"What if I can't do this?"

I was pacing the floor. I mean, who wouldn't? I'm stressed out. What if the kid doesn't like me? What if I screw up? Knowing my immature self, I'll get her killed.

Anthony was taking this as a breeze. He looked calm, like he was prepared. But, knowing him, he was acting. He was acting calm for me. I know that inside that head of his, he is freaking out.

He smiled that reassuring smile of his, "Dude, you got this. Kids love us. Especially since we're immature and act like them."

I laughed a little.

"There you go! Just relax and be yourself."

"That's what I'm afraid I of! Me being myself means I'll screw up!"

"Hey!" He grabbed my shoulders to stop me from pacing and so I have to look at him, "You'll be fine. The kid will love you!"


"For me?" He pouted and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

I can't say no to the puppy dog eyes.

I sighed, "Fine!"

He smiled and threw his fists into the air, "YESSSS!"

I laughed and grabbed my keys, "TO THE IAN MOBILE!"

I ran to my car, Anthony following behind, laughing.

I might not be that bad. If I can get Anthony to laugh, who is a two year old at heart, then I can get a kid to laugh!



Thank you so much for deciding to read my fanfic!

Ok, you're probably like, "why this chapter so long!!!!"


*ahem* sorry, got a little demanding there.

But, please comment what you think. I will take the time to read them and respond.

But anyways, I'll howl at you later, my pack!🐺 (that outro though lol)

Adopted by These Two Weirdos (Smosh Fanfiction) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now