Chapter 1: Who Is He?

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"Are you ready?" Bella hears someone quietly say from outside her door. She walks outside of her room nodding and looking at her sister Violet.

It was a normal rainy day in Washington when all of the sudden Violet told her sister Bella to get ready. Bella didn't know where they were going, but she listened to her sister. So she got out of her pajamas and put on a grey hoodie with some leggings and uggs. Her straight blond hair was down and her blue eyes were faced at Violets piercing teal eyes.

Violet was wearing a black hoodie with some leggings as well, and some black combat boots. Her black wavy hair was down as usual. Violet has two sides to her, girly and dark or as Bella likes to call it, mysterious. Right now she was feeling dark.

Violet began walking downstairs and Bella followed. They were out the door. "Get in." Violet says quietly. So Bella did what she was told and hopped into Violets car.

"Where are we going." Bella asked, looking outside the window. With a quiet voice, Violet responds with, "You'll just have to wait and see now won't ya." Bella rolls her eyes at that.

After a few minutes of driving, Violet pulls into a parking lot. "We're here." She says smiling. Violet gets out of the car, Bella following. They were at this little cafe not to far from their house. It was a cute cafe that Bella has never seen before.

When they get inside they take their seats at a little table. Suddenly, Bella asks, "Why exactly are we here?"

Turning her head, Violet says, "Dad was getting to me. I know he's not home, but just the thought of him was bugging me. So I wanted to get away." Bella's eyes widen at Violets response. Bella often feels sorry for Violet. Things with her and her dad aren't the best.

After talking for a bit, Bella zoned out and was looking around. After looking around for a bit she noticed some guy sitting a few tables away. "Who is he?" Bella whispers to Violet looking his way.

"Who?" Violet asks with a weird look on her face. "Turn around." Bella whispers once again to her sister.

Violet, smiling and rolling her eyes at Bella turns around. "Oh, him. He goes to my school. We've seen each other in the hall ways before but I don't know his name." She says still smiling.

Violet is 16, meaning she's in 10th grade. Bella on the other hand, is 13 and she's in 8th grade. Violet is on the cheerleading squad, which gives Bella some advantages. She can go to her practice whenever she wants and roam the school. Abruptly Bella shouts, "Let me go to cheerleading practice with you after school tomorrow."

Violet takes a sip of her coffee and looks at Bella before saying, "Uh ok sure. I don't see why you can't. After school before I go I'll pick you up."

Bella's response is a smile, before taking a sip of her hot chocolate. Bella's plan was, she was gonna go to Violets practice after school. While she was there she was gonna wander off in hopes of running into the guy at the cafe. Since they supposedly go to the same school.

"What are you gonna do about your scars for practice?" Bella asks quietly. Violet shrugs, "I'll probably bring makeup to cover them up so nobody sees them."

"You better hope it's not raining when your at practice. You can't afford anyone seeing your scars." Bella says while she's looking around. "Yes I know. You don't have to remind me." Violet adds, starting to get annoyed.

Violets childhood wasn't the best. Neither is her childhood story. She doesn't like telling people about the story or what her scars are from. That's why she usually covers them up with makeup.

Bella once again, zoned out. She was looking at the guy from Violets schools way. She wanted to see what he looked like but she couldn't cause his back was facing him. Just then, he turns around. Quickly, Bella looks away and quietly tells Violet, "That guy looks familiar. I feel like I've seen him before but I can't remember from where." She finishes.

With a quick eye roll Violet says, "Quit staring." Bella looks away, now staring at her phone.

Bella grows a worried look on her face. "Do you think dad will be mad that you left the house without saying anything? I mean I know neither mom or dad are home right now, but what if dad beats us home?" She says, still with her worried look.

Violet frowns, "I didn't think of that honestly. We'll leave in 10 minutes. Let's hope dad isn't home by then. Just don't say anything." Bella nods.

Bella worries for Violet sometimes. She knows Violet can handle this but sometimes she still fears. She doesn't want another week of Violet staying locked up in her room, shutting the world out. That's the last thing Bella wants.

Violet and Bella exchange looks when suddenly the guy gets up from his seats. Don't do anything is what Bella was thinking. He was going to walk out the door, heading Violet and Bella's way smiling.

"Hello." Is all he manages to say while he was passing by. Violet looking at Bella, nodded her head and said, "He probably noticing you staring and decided to say hi."

"And that's a bad thing?" Bella asks weirded out.

"No, not necessarily." Is all Violet says.

Hey everyone. Shout out to nunufeegi for the title page! Funny story, I deleted the chapters I had already written. So I have to rewrite them -.- School is just around the corner and I decided to write this story in honor of a situation I'm in with a really good friend of mine. Well I hope you all enjoy.

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