Chapter 7: The Game Plan Explained

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Austin POV

I messed up. I seriously messed up. I just don't know how. The person I like is refusing to talk to me and she's missing. If she would just talk to me things could be fixed. I know we're close friends but I don't think she feels the same way about me as I do for her. That makes me sad. I just need to get things right. Ugh I can't cry right now. But I have a reason to.

I know their all in the basement. Might as well go down there. "You interfered with everything." Bella shouts at me. "I know. Let me talk." I say as I'm crying. "No Bella and I need to explain." Violet chimes in.

"Violet and I had this game plan." Bella goes on explaining. "What was the game plan?" My brother says. Violet snaps at him, "None of your importance. Carry on sis."

"It was to keep the group together. Stevan didn't know what the game plan was and neither did you. But you twisted everything around." Bella says. "I don't understand how I did though." I say annoyed. "Just let me speak. Oh my god!!" Bella screams at me. I let her continue.

"Everything was going good. Until you said something you shouldn't have. Now everything is messed up. Ok." She says. "Ok." Is all I say. "This group is falling apart now. Violet is the only person who understands why. Things were said that made me upset and sad. Now they can't go back to normal." She continues. "Ok." I say again. "I am crying. I'm really sorry." I add on.

"I see your crying. I can't except your apology. If you would have listened to Violet in the first place this wouldn't be happening. I don't care if your crying. Your the one who messed all this up." She says looking at Violet. "I had liked someone else the whole time while this was happening." She says. I can't take this. I'm leaving. She's obviously very mad at me and I don't want to be around her.

Bella POV

"Stevan we can explain the game plan to you if you want us to." I say trying to calm down. He nods. "Ok. Violet you say some and I'll say some." I add on. "Ok. As she mentioned earlier the game plan was to keep the group all together. The thing was, Bella liked someone else during the whole thing. Not Austin. She didn't want to tell him anything cause they were close friends." She finishes saying. That's all how it happened.

"I was enjoying the group and when Austin said what he said I told Violet I would run off. It's cause what he said messed everything up. After he said it other people said something. Those words made me extremely mad and I didn't want to be near anyone. Things were all twisted up now and there's no fixing it anymore." I add. "Oh I understand. Well who did you like?" Stevan says. "Uh sis you tell him." I say backing up into a corner. "Sure. She" She says slowly. He just looks at me and says, "Knew it! Wow I don't know what to say."

Violet backing up says, "I'll leave you two alone to talk." I begin explaining, "I always liked you from the start."

"I did like you to. For like a day. I was gonna tell you but then Violet came up to us and I couldn't say it." He says. Wow I can't believe he did like me. "Then as she started talking more I fell in love with her. I don't know just something about the way she speaks makes me love her." He says.

"Oh I see. Well I don't blame you. A lot of people like her so don't mess anything up." I add on trying not to cry. "I care about you both the same and don't want any of you to get hurt but I like her. I've always liked her. And if it's ok with you could I ask her out or would I be awkward." Stevan says. Great he wants to ask my sister out. Just what I needed. "I mean I'll get over it sooner or later. Don't mess things up with her. Your lucky she's even in your life. I'll tell her to come back." I say. So I text her saying you can come back and that he's gonna ask you out. She asked if I would be ok and I said yea I guess.

As soon as she walked in the room I said, "I'll leave you two alone." Just then I walked out closed the door and stood behind the door. "I can't take this anymore. Will you go out with me?" I hear Stevan ask Violet. "Sure." She says. I'll have to explain to her what he told me. But first I gotta get away so they know in not here. I'll just go up into my room and think about what the heck just happened.

Who is coming upstairs I hear footsteps. "Hey sis. Guess what. Stevan and I are going out." Violet says acting happy. "Oh haha congrats." I say as I'm not so happy as of what happened. "Well I gotta go. I'll see ya guys later." Stevan says as he hugs Violet.

Great. Just great. I love what is happening. "What happened? Why did he ask me out." Violet says freaking out. "I told you that he liked you." I say turning away from here. "I know. You called it. But what did he say?" She adds on coming towards me.

"He said he did like me. But for like a day. Then you came up and started talking. And he said he feel in love with you cause he liked the way you spoke. He also said you were cute." I begin saying. "Then he said how he doesn't want both of us to get hurt and he cares for both of us but he loves you. He asks for my permission to ask you out. I said sure but idk why. I also told him I would get over it sooner or later. It's gonna be awkward for me though but whatever." I finish saying.

"Aww Bella I'm sorry. I didn't know. And why would you say ok if it would be awkward?" Violet says as she's hugging me. "Oh because he likes you but you didn't go out with him and we're a group. So it would just be weird. You two won't even notice I'm here. I told him don't mess up your lucky to have her in your life." I add on pulling away from the hug.

What is Violet pulling out of her pocket? "Here. It's Stevan's phone number. It's already entered in my phone so here it is if you want to." She says handing me a piece of paper. I'm sure a group chat will be made sooner or later.

"This group is gonna be different from now on." I say as I'm leaving my room.

Hey everyone. Chapters 6&7 were probably the most abrupt in this situation. But hey it all happened in real life and we're getting through it just fine. Kinda. But anyways I hope you all enjoy.

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