Chapter 14: Goodbye

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Violet POV

I'm with Bella on that one. It's irritating how he can be on social media and everything but he won't respond to our messages. It's like I know you saw our messages.

Anyways, after the argument he texted me for a few minutes last night saying he was going on vacation to Florida to visit family today. So he's probably on the plane right now. On the other hand, Bella doesn't know that so I should tell her.

"Hey sis?" I say knocking on Bella's door. "Hmm?" She replies back. "After your argument with Stevan, he texted me last night saying he was going to Florida today." I say kinda quietly as Bella opens her door revealing only her face. "Your kidding. Well I found his exs account. She has two. Ones her personal and ones all about her and Stevan." She says grinning. "Oh no. Ok make a fake boy account and follow her account with her and Stevan. Name it Arthur Octavian." I say.

"Ok lemme make it. Her account is private so I dunno when she'll accept. So I'll let you know." I hear my sister say as she closes the door.

Bella POV

I can't believe I found these accounts. Like I was not expecting that. I know Violet thinks there still together and I'm getting that vibe to. I'm hoping she'll accept. If I find a picture of a cute boy she'll most likely accept.

In the mean time, I'm gonna stalk her open account. I can't share with Violet cause she left for work at the cafe. I'll just send her pictures of it.

Ok well she isn't to pretty in my opinion. And he's always commenting on her pictures. Well Imma start sending pictures to Violet.

She wears a ton of makeup. I'll send that to her.

Look at how much makeup she wears.~ Bella

Ew. Her eyes are also weirdly shaped. Look for more pictures~Violet

Ok well that was quick. I'll do as she says and look for more.

He's always commenting on her pictures. Her older pictures. And I thought they were broken up. At least he hasn't commented on her more recent pictures. Ok I'll send a ton of her pictures to Violet and see her reply. In the mean time, I'll stalk Stevan's account and see what's on his.

Well she comments on a ton of his pictures to. Violet hasn't responded yet so I got some more time. Ooh ok she accepted. I should tell Violet.

Ashely accepted my follow I'm gonna stalk that account.~Bella

Ok go ahead.~Violet

Now that I see it, they don't make a cute couple. He doesn't even bother to comment on her pictures anymore. That's kinda funny.

I'll have to show Violet everything once she gets home. Whenever that is. I'm sure she'd like to see. She should be home anytime soon.

In the meantime, I think I'll do some more research or stalking as I like to say. Speaking of which, I think that's her that's home.

"Hey Bella I'm home" I hear my sister shout. Ok bows my chance to tell her and show her everything.

"Oh hello. I've got things to show you."I say. I'm way to excited to be showing her this and I don't know why.

"Ok. Well let's see." I hear my sister say as she grins.

Violet POV

Omg wow. This is interesting. "How exactly did you find all this stuff?" I ask my sister. I'm very curious to how she found this.

"Oh I don't really know. I was looking at Stevan's account and on one of his pictures both of her accounts were tagged. So i decided to look on them. And that's how I found out." She says as she begins to laugh.

"Oh so you do know." I say smiling as she shrugs.

"Here look at both of her accounts. I'm gonna make something to eat." My sister says as she's handing me her phone.

Now it's my turn to stalk. Now I know what her accounts are and I can stalk them on my own time. I seriously think there still together.

Ew she really disgusts me. She's not to pretty. I think Stevan can do better but then he obviously can't.

"How's it going?" I hear my sister ask me as she sits down next to me. "It's going good. I don't know what to think of this situation." I add on.

"He seems to be all over this place. He's gotta make up his mind." I add on. That was true. He does need to make up his mind.

"He doesn't know what he's doing. He's all over the place." I tell my sister as I hand her the phone.

"Yup you are right about that." My sister says.

"Well I'm gonna go up to my room and change. It's getting late." I say. I am getting tired and it is getting late.

"Ok yea same." My sister says heading up the stairs. Oh how mad we both are at Stevan.

Violet POV

I can't believe him. He lied to us. He was cat fishing us. I suspected that though. So he is with his ex. That's disgusting.

"What are we gonna do about this? He's not responding so what is the plan." I hear my sister say from outside of my door. "Come on and we'll think about it." I say sitting on my bed.

"We have an advantage cause he's not answering. So if we say something we'll be good." I say. "Yea but wouldn't he need to respond?" My sister says. Ok well just say something that says we're leaving.

"Ok well just say something that tells him we're gone until he says something. Cause I'm not gonna be the one speaking first." I add on. I see my sister nod. "Ok I'll say it." I finish saying.

I'll just type up something that tells him were gone. I'm not gonna stand for this. He can go on with his ex. I'm totally ok with that. If your gonna be like that then go on. We could care less. "K there we go." I say as I'm looking at my phone. "Perfect." I hear my sister say.

"Ok now were gone until further notice. Correct?" Bella adds on. "Correct." I say as I'm nodding.

"I know he'll miss us." Bella says looking at her phone.

"Yea, he most likely will."

"He's gotta make up his mind."

Tah duh. I hope you all enjoyed this story. It took a while to come up with everything. I'd like to know if everyone liked the story. Well, until next time.

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