Chapter 8: Tell Me

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Stevan POV

Happy ending. For me at least. I'm happy I'm going out with Violet. I don't think Bella is to happy though. She'll get over it sooner or later.

I've been noticing Violets scars lately. It's been bugging me, I need to know what there all about. I don't know if she'll tell me though. It might be a sensitive topic towards her. There worrying me a lot. I need to ask her today. I'll just drive over to her place I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'll text Bella telling her I'm surprising Violet and coming over. She can distract her or something.Ok now that I've told her I'll make my way to their house.

"Violet go check on Stefano." I hear Bella shout to Violet. Ok good distraction. Now I'll walk in and sit in the living room and wait for her to come down.

"Hey." Violet says as she's coming downstairs. I smile and look up at her. "Whatcha doing here?" She asks as she sits down right next to me. "Something's been bugging me and I need to ask you." I say as I start shaking. "Tell me about your scars. I need to know." I add on as her expression drops of her face. "Oh no now Violet is mad. She doesn't like mentioning this." Bella says as she walks into the living room. "Oh uh is that what's been bugging you?" Violet says looking at her sister as I nod. "Ok I'll umm tell you." She adds on. I don't think she wants me to tell her but I need to know.

"As you know Bella and I are step sisters. This happened when our parents met at work. My dad her mom. My mom died when I was seven and my dad blames me for that. So he abuses me." She goes on saying. Ok she really caught my attention. "Whenever I leave or come back from something he abuses me. He absolutely hates me and loves Bella. I also cut from being abused. Sometimes Bella steals my razors or I give them to her. And it's tough for me." She finishes.

"You might not think so, but the reason why I steal your blades is because I'm looking out for you. I don't want you to get hurt even more than you already are. I can't afford loosing you. I look up to you your my older sister. I don't care that were step sisters it feels like we're actual sisters." Bella says as Violet begins crying.

"Oh no don't cry. It's ok." I say as I begin to hug her. "I understand where your coming from. I used to cut. Then I realized it solves nothing. Just know I'm here for you whenever. I care about you guys a lot. Your my best friends right now. I don't want to loose you." I add on looking concerned. I had no idea this was her childhood. I feel bad now. I didn't think she would cry.

"Everyday I look back at my moms death cause she died right before my birthday. So it makes me sad that my birthday is right after her death. My dad was happy until she died. And I know he likes Bella's mom but it's not the same. Thanks guys for caring so much." Violet says as Bella and I move closer to her.

"Sis you know I love you. I wouldn't do anything to get you hurt. We're both here for you." Bella says hugging her sister.

I'm gonna find a way to cheer her up. I'll take her and her sister to that little cafe. Maybe that'll get her mind off of things. "Common you two lets go." I say as I'm walking outside. "Where are we going?" Bella says as she's tripping over a rock. "We're gonna go to that cafe you guys are always at." I say as I'm looking at Violet beginning to smile. This must cheer her up. I don't want to see her sad. I love her enough to do anything that'll cheer her up. Once we sit down I'll talk some more and see how it goes.

"Violet." I ask looking at her. "Yes?" She says sweetly. "Your beautiful." I add on smiling and moving slightly closer to her. "Aww thanks." She says as she's beginning to blush.

"I uh took you here in hopes that you feel better. I don't know if it's working but I don't want to see you cry." I say sweetly and looking at her. "Thanks I really appreciate it." She says as she's starting to tear up again.

"Bella is only here cause I didn't want to leave her alone and she's your sister." I say jokingly looking at her. "Rude. Just forget I'm here then keep talking I'm not here." She says as she's rolling her eyes at me and moving into a corner. "Aww sis it's ok." Violet says as she belongs laughing.

Yay I think this helped Violet. I'm glad I brought her here. That whole Bella thing was kinda a joke. I love her just as much as Violet but I couldn't just leave her alone. Tomorrow I'm gonna take her to the fair and it's gonna be Violet and Violet only. Bella can find someway to occupy herself.

I wanna hug Violet all day long. Her touch is magical and I love it when she hugs me. "Ok you two enough hugging. That's enough for now." We both ignore her continuing to hug. She seems really annoyed by this. To bad she broke Austin's heart. She can deal with it.

Violet needs some alone time I can tell. She's obviously very depressed. I hope she doesn't cut anytime today. Bella better have some razors. I'm gonna start looking out for her more. I truly do care a lot for her and I can't bear to break up with her anytime soon. I love her even though this is her. I don't care. She's who she is and I love that. I live the way she speaks. It's so majestic like she is and I can't get enough of her voice. It's so sweet and absolutely lovable. I really hope she knows all of this.

How much I care and how much I'm glad she's mine.

Hello guys. So today was my first day of school. It was horrible. Let's just say I got lost. Anyways, I wrote this chapter cause I was really sad and I felt like this chapter might turn out some what how I'm feeling. I don't know when I'm updating the next chapter. But until then, I hope you guys enjoy.

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