Chapter 4: I Can Tell Her

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I can tell her. I told myself in a few days I would tell her. Even if she's upset I got this. I can't cry. Stop crying. Quit looking at your razors and you'll stop crying. Ok ok I got this, I'll just put them in a box and give the box to Bella so she can hide them. Stevan should know this story pretty soon.

That's right! He game me his number. Ooh I have an idea. I'll text him to come over with Austin and I'll ask if I can tell Bella. We'll all go to the secret garden. I gotta do this quickly and not suspiciously.

Hey wanna bring Austin and come over today?~Violet

Heh sure sounds good. Be there in like 10 minutes.~Stefan

Perfect. I got about 15 minutes. They'll get here. I'll lead them to the garden and ask for permission. Then I'll grab Bella and lead her back here and tell her. This should work. If not then I have nothing else. Ok time to change out of pajamas. Hopefully Bella is out of hers by the time their here.

Ok, what to wear, what to wear. Eh why should I care what I'm wearing right now. As long as it keeps me warm I'm ok. This flannel is just fine. Grab some jeans and shoes and I'm good. Brush out my hair and they should be here.

Oh there here. Lemme just check and see if Bella is up. "Oh hey." I say opening the door then closing it.

She's getting dressed ok. Good, everything is working out just fine. Let's just get Austin and Stevan situated. "Hey. Ok follow me. No questions just follow me." I say. "Commanding." Stevan say, grinning. I just brush that off.

I lead them to the secret garden. "Pretty." Austin says his eyes wandering around the garden. "Bella and I made it." I say with a shy smile.

"Hey uh, why exactly are we back here." Stevan whispers into my ear. I go on explaining. "Well I was thinking. Maybe it's time we tell Bella that Austin likes her." I glance over at Austin and he starts blushing. "It's been killing me how she doesn't know. Even if you say no, I'm still telling her. If I know something she knows it as well. She knows something I know it to." I finish smiling.

"Uh...I guess you can tell her. I mean I've known her for some time and we've gotten to become really close friends so why not." Austin says, slouching in his seat. "Perfect. I'll go get her." I say as I'm already back inside.

Bella better be ready. If not then she's gonna be ready sooner or later. "Bella? Can I come in?" I ask politely. "Sure." She shouts. So I walk in.

When I am in her room she is wearing a sweatshirt with leggings and boots. She was also wearing some makeup. "What up with the makeup?" I ask her in a weird tone voice.

"I was feeling fancy so I decided to put some on. Oh also I got your box. Don't worry I'll hide them." She says smiling. I nod then say, "Follow me."

She just gives me a weird look. Ok here it goes. Let's see how this works out. I'm waiting to see her smile drop when she finds out. Ok let's just slowly opened up the gate and lead her to them.

"Oh hey." She says smiling and facing the two of them. I wink at them. Telling them that I'm gonna tell her. "Hey, you look pretty today." Austin compliments. "Oh thanks." She says, beginning to blush.

"Bella." I say as I begin to shake from nervousness. "There's something we've been hiding from you." I finish. "I knew it." She says looking angry. "Well, what is it?" She asks impatiently.

Here goes nothing. "Your friend Austin here... Likes you."I finish as I look at her.

Her face goes from anger to shocked. Her eyes widen. "You do?" Is all she manages to say. "Hehe yea... I do." Austin says with a shy smile. He begins blushing and stares at her. I can tell she's really shocked. Her expression begins to look weirded out. Oh no not what I planned to happen.

"Well that went well. Aren't you glad she finally knows." I ask Austin to break the silence. He nods.

"Ok! So you guys want us to leave or do you wanna hang out?" Stevan asks, helping to break the silence. "I don't care." I say. "Haha ok we'll stay for a bit." Austin says. Obviously wanting to spend time with Bella. "Stevan and I will leave you two alone for a bit." I say as Bella shoots me a 'don't you dare leave me' look. To late. I'm gonna be spying on them.

After we leave I hear Austin say, "So how do you feel about this." He's obviously nervous or something. "You know we're really close friends but I honesty don't know what to say." I hear her say quietly. "Ok I respect that." He says as I peek over the fence.

This must be awkward for Bella. She likes her brother more than him. Maybe she'll end up falling for him instead of Stevan. I'm still keeping the game plan up though.

"Well Stevan and I gotta go. We'll see you guys later." Austin says. He probably felt awkward and wanted to leave. I don't blame him. "Uh ok bye bye." Bella says, sounding relieved.

"Violet, can we talk upstairs?" Bella asks me. Oh no here it comes. She's probably gonna freak out or something. I nod waiting for her to starts reacting or something.

"How could you leave me alone with him. That was awkward. I love him as a close friend but I don't know if I like him like him. Right now I like his brother but that's fading. He's obviously into you. Austin liking me ruins the whole game plan. He can't know I like his brother. That'll ruin everything more than it already is..." She goes on. "Calm down." I tell her.

"This won't interfere with anything. You liking Stevan will stay a secret. He won't know just yet. And if you develop feelings for Austin that's ok. Don't worry I got this all under control. Just calm down and let me work this out." I go on trying to keep her calm.

"I just don't know what happened there. I was not expecting that. Like right when I walked into the garden he started blushing and said I was pretty. That's usually not like him." She goes on as she's pacing in circles.

"It's because he likes you." I say. She falls quiet.

Hey. So I've been really mad and irritated for a few hours so I decided to write a new chapter. I don't think I like this chapter to much. I kinda got side tracked so sorry if this chapter sucks. Enjoy!

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