Chapter 6: Game Over

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Bella POV

I have no clue what is going on anymore. Austin is my closest friend. I'd like it to stay that way for now. Besides, I like his brother but he doesn't know that. I really hope Violet is right and this doesn't mess up the game plan. I know their coming over today, Violet told me. This is will kinda be awkward.

Ever since Austin asked me out he's been texting me a lot more. It's been more weird and Stevan acknowledges Austin with asking me out. That's the thing, Steven doesn't know I like him and that's a problem.

"When are the Eastwood's coming over?" I ask Violet cause I wanted to know. "Oh uh any time now." She replies back. Ok I'm not gonna even bother changing. My hair is in a cute messy bun and I have a sweatshirt on with leggings and uggs. It's been cold here in Washington the whole winter break so far. I'm also happy that our parents haven't been home lately either.

I'm gonna start a game of truth or dare when they get here cause why not. I'm sure they'll all enjoy it to.

"Bella get down here." Violet screams at me. So I do what I'm told and I head downstairs only to see Stevan and Austin next to Violet. "Hi everyone." Is all I bother saying. After that we all sit down on the couch and start talking.

All of the sudden I blurt out, "Let's play truth or dare." Violet looks at me, smiles, and says, "Sure why not. Austin you first."

"Ok. Bella truth or dare." He asks me. "I'm gonna have to go with truth." It depends on who I'm playing with to determined if I pick truth or dare. "Is it true..." He begins saying. "That you like someone in this room?" Shoot. "Yes I do." I say as Austin begins blushing. He must think I like him! Way to go Bella.

"Ok. Stevan truth or dare." He asks Stevan. Stevan's reply is, "Truth." Oh goodness what ever could his truth be. "Is it true you like someone?" He asks. Copier. This will tell me if he likes anyone of us Violet though. "Uh in this room, yes." He says. Ok so he does like either one of us. VIOLET. He's even looking her way but she's obviously not paying attention.

After a good hour or so of playing nothing interesting is happening. Are you kidding me?! "Violet. Truth or dare." Austin says. "Truth." She replies. Why is he walking towards her. Ooh he's whispering the truth. Ok. I can't hear what their saying. Violet looks down at my phone then up at me telling me to go on my phone. All of the sudden I get a text message from her.

He asked if I liked Stevan! I said maybe. This is all to save you~Violet

I swear I'f he tells him or anything I'm leaving this area.~Bella

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Austin why, why, why? I knew it I just know that he's gonna tell him out loud. It's coming. He always does this. Game is over. I wanna run away now but I won't. "Bella face me." I hear someone say from behind me. It's Austin. I turn slightly towards him but not having him completely. "What if I don't want to face you?" I ask quietly. "Common, just face him." I hear Stevan say so I just stare at him. "If he wants me to face him he can face me." I say sassily. So Austin moved and stood up right in front of me. So I stood up so it wasn't awkward.

He was staring at me when all the sudden he learned in closer. Then all the sudden I feel his lips on my cheek. Did he just kiss me?!? I look over at Violet and Stevan to see Violet in shock and Stevan smiling. I'm with Violet on the expressions. I am totally shocked. Oh thank god he's going back to where he was sitting.

All of the sudden Austin begins speaking. "I have something to tell you Stevan." Oh no. I see Violet look over at Austin. "Violet..." He begins saying. "Don't you dare say it!" She shouts back. "Likes... Turtles." Oh thanks god. Violet and I sigh in relief. "Nah just kidding. She likes.." He goes on saying. Violet and I both stiffen at his words as I glance over at her.

"I swear to god. Don't say anything." She says. "She likes you." Just then the room goes silent before I get up from my seat running upstairs. "There she goes." I hear Violet say as she's coming upstairs with everyone following her. "I really like you to." I hear Stevan say outside my door. Directing that to Violet. I text Violet GAME OVER!! GAME IS OFFICIALLY OVER. She replies back saying yep. Just as they open the door I run downstairs outside. I run into the secret garden and climb up the tree house that's far into the garden. The shouldn't find me up here if I'm lucky.

All of the sudden I hear someone coming up to the tree house. It was Violet and Stevan. "You ok?" He asks me. "Im fine." I lied. " Sis can we talk in private?" I hear Violet say as she's leaving the tree house. I grab her hand and run into her room. I then begin to take out Stefano. "This is horrible. The game is over. It's game over." I say beginning to tear up. "I know. I only said maybe to save you I didn't think he would say anything." She says. "Of course he would say something. He's Austin. Sine he likes me he probably takes it I like him back. That's the thing, he doesn't know I like Stevan." I add on being very quiet just in case someone was out there.

"I know. There's no longer a game plan." Violet says as I put Stefano back in his cage and run out of her room. I then run downstairs to the attic an close the door then sit down on the couch down there. "Can we talk?" I hear Austin's vice say. "I don't think that would be best." I reply shouting at him as he walks away. I move closer to the door hearing Austin and Violet talking.

"I give up, she obviously doesn't feel the same way about me as I do for her. So what's the point." He tells Violet. "Yea I don't think she feels the same way. I'm sorry." She says trying not to be mean. Then I quickly open the door before someone comes in. It was Violet. Then Stevan comes down.

"Your not ok are you?" Stevan asks me. I shake my head telling him I'm not. "No I'm really not ok." I shout into a pillow. "I could tell. Right after Austin said something you ran off." He says. "I know. I'm upset, sad, and angry. Violet is the only person who knows why." I look over at Violet as she nods her head. "Then what's up." He says.

"I like someone else. Not Austin and I realized I can't have that person cause of a certain reason. So I'm a mix of emotions right now. You don't understand." I say as I'm not crying. "It's ok. There's plenty of people out there." I know that, I'm not an idiot. The thing is he doesn't know it's him. He likes Violet so of course he's trying to cheer me up. It's just not the same. Violet is truly the only person who knows what's going on. Stevan will soon understand why I'm all these emotions. I just need some time.

Hey guys. So this was the downfall if you didn't pick it up. This whole chapter was based off of real life. Like the whole entire book is. Anyways the story will be different since this happened. SPOILER. Anyways I hope you all enjoy.

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