Chapter 12: Hampster Deaths

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Hey guys. Just a friendly FYI. Please don't hate on this chapter. This chapter is based on a true story that happened to my friend and I. It was all unintentional and a total accident. It's not meant to seem like we were doing this on purpose and we meant to kill the hamster. Please know my friend and I would never do this to a hamster or any animal in general. I just thought I would let you guys know before I start getting all these hate comments. Well anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please don't take any of this the wrong way.

Violet POV

"Bella we gotta clean Stefano's cage today." I shout to my sister as she's in her room and I'm in mine. "Ok sounds good." I hear her shout back to me.

I should go get the vacuum and everything we need. His cage hasn't been cleaned ever since we got him. We gotta clean out the cage and by that I mean we gotta dump everything out and clean the cage. He also needs some new fresh water and more food. We gotta clean out all of his stuff. I'll let him roam on the table or in his hamster ball.

"Ok so what do we gotta do?" Bella asks me as I enter my room. How did she get in my room and I didn't see her? That's creepy.

"We gotta dump everything and clean everything and give him new food and fresh water. I'll let him roam around on the table or in the hamster ball." I finish explaining to Bella.

"I'll go dump out the stuff. Watch him real quick." I add on as I leave the room with the cage and slam the door shut.

Once I get outside its freezing cold. I forgot to put shoes on. All I was wearing were some fuzzy socks. So therefore my toes were freezing.

Once I'm back in the room I tell Bella "Go wash out the cage and all his toys and also give him some new water."

And with that, she was out of the room and on her way downstairs.

"Here ya go. Want me to put him back in?" Bella says setting the cage down. I shake my head as Bella picks up Stefano.

"Ok I gotta vacuum the table. He better stay out of the way." I say brining the vacuum hose to the table beginning to vacuum.

All of the sudden I hear this thing get sucked up and I look over to Bella and her eyes are wide. I JUST SUCKED UP STEFANO INTO THE VACUUM.

"Oh my god. He just got sucked up into a vacuum." I say as Bella and I try not to laugh. It was sad but also kinda funny.

As I open the canister I see this little fuzz ball. "Aww the poor guy. He's probably traumatized." I say picking him up.

"Hey at least he's all soft now. Ya know, since they can't be put in water." Bella says smiling. "Yea. But he's got a bloody nose. I think he also lost a few teeth and broke a few bones." I add on examining the hamster.

"He's defiantly dying." I finish saying, raising up the hamster. As I put him up to me war I notice he's hardly breathing. "He's also barely breathing."

"Here put him in the cage." Bella suggests so I put him in the cage. Immediately he goes into a corner and stays there. He's not moving.

~10 minutes later~

He's still not moving. "Take a picture of him in his corner and send it to me." I say to Bella. I'm gonna make a flipagram in honor of him.

"Ok. Making a flipagram?" Bella asks me. I nod my head. She smiles and takes the picture of the dying hamster.

It's been a while and he still hasn't moved. The flipagram is almost done though. "I'm gonna use the song shower by Becky G." I say smiling. Bella begins to laugh.

"Dancing in the mirror, singing in the shower." We start to sing together as I put Stefano onto a little pillow.

"Aww I remember when I got him. He was so nice. He got a little vicious at times." I say quietly.

"Yea like the time I was holding him and he bit me so I flinged my finger and he was still holding on but I didn't know it." Bella says angrily. (That actually happened to me. Once again, a total accident.)

"Yea I remember that. It was kinda funny. Not gonna lie." I say laughing quietly. Bella just rolled her eyes at me. Oh well sorry sis.

"Look he's struggling to breathe. He's not even breathing I don't think." I say as I start to push down on his stomach giving him little hamster cpr. "Ooh I wanna give him little cpr." Bella says as she begins to push down on his stomach.

He's definently dying right now. "Well it was good while he lasted."

"This stays between us. You and me." Bella says very very quietly. I nod my head and agree.

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