Chapter 13: Sorry For Talking

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Hey guys. So I'm nearing the end of the book. I really didn't know how long this book would be from the start. I was kinda just writing as I went along to see how far I got. Things might end roughly I haven't quite decided yet. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

Bella POV

"You know when someone doesn't respond to a message but they've been on social media?" I say to my sister.

I had texted on the group chat with Stevan and Violet five minutes ago and there hasn't been any response. Since you don't know when he'll be talking, Violet doesn't respond until he does. It's like a test.

"All I wanna do it talk. He obviously doesn't want to talk to me. He'll talk to you but won't talk to me." I add on. I was getting really mad at him. All I wanna do is talk and he obviously can't fulfill that.

Ok that's fine don't respond. It's cool.~ Bella

"Idk what his deal is. He's gotta respond." Violet says looking down at her phone. "It's me. That's why he won't respond. I'm just the annoying little sister who no one likes talking to." I say in a sarcastic tone even though I wasn't sarcastic.

All of the sudden I see Violet look at me. "What?" Is all I say to her. She shakes her head and looks away.

Oh sorry I didn't have my phone with me. I can't always talk. I'm at dinner right now.~ Stevan

Yea ok dude. That doesn't mean he can't talk. I'm really upset at him.

"Sure dude. Sure. You can go on Instagram and snapchat and everything else but you don't respond to me I see how it is." I say to my sister, sinking down in my seat.

"I see how it is." I hear my sister repeat. I can tell she's getting irritated to.

~3 hours later~

I'm just trying to talk and you obviously don't wanna talk.~Bella

Oh I'm sorry I can't always talk. I'm with my mom she has breast cancer. And I don't have wifi right now.~Stevan

"Oh ok now we're arguing." I say very happily. "Yea I see. I'm reading it." Violet tells me.

At least I'm talking to you. I could be doing plenty of other things considering I'm not even home. Your lucky I'm even talking. I know you could care less though.~Bella

I'm sorry. I'm oh so very sorry. I am doing plenty of other things to. I'm busy. Which means I can't talk. You obviously don't have a life.~Stevan.

"HE DID NOT JUST SAY I HAD NO LIFE!!" I scream at Violet. "That's it. That is it!" I add on also screaming.

Did you just say I had no life?! Your always online. I'm actually social unlike you. You have to remember I'm 13. I'm way younger than you.~Bella

I never said you had no life. I don't even know why we're arguing. I'm sure Violet won't be happy though.~Stevan

Oh yes just wait till she sees that you said I had no life. Like that's just rude.~Bella

Ok whatever~Stevan

"Ok he made me mad. I bet all he wants is to talk to you. He doesn't want to talk to me. I'm telling you I'm just the annoying little sister who no one likes. It's true what'd I tell you." I say quieter. I'm really mad at him right now.

"He thinks I'm on his side. When in reality I'm basically speaking to you cause I tell you a ton of stuff to say. So I'm on your side if anything." Violet shad happily.

I enjoy talking to Stevan I really do, but sometimes he gets on my nerves. I just wish sometimes all of this stuff never happened.

Hello. I'm sorry that the last few chapters have been short. Also, sorry for the second authors note. I don't know how long the next chapter will be. Don't expect the next chapter to be any longer cause like I said before, I have no clue how long the next chapter will be. Also like I mentioned earlier, this story is nearing the end. I didn't expect it to be this short but I didn't expect it to be extremely long. I forgot a ton of the stuff that happened as I was writing this story so that's why it is short. Anyways, sorry for rambling but I hope you all enjoy!


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