Chapter 9: Only Violet

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Violets POV

Oh I don't really like Stevan but he's always here. He really likes me though. I might as well keep dating him. Plus this will make Derek and everyone else jealous that I'm actually dating someone else than them.

"Hey Violet. You wanna go to the fair with me tonight. You and me?" Stevan says as he hugs me. "Hey just gonna leave me home alone tonight?" Bella shouts as she goes down stairs.

Bella likes being home alone but not at night time. So since I wanna go and get away from home she's not gonna be happy. "Aw come on sis it's only for a few hours you'll be ok." I say as I smile at her. "So I'll pick you up at 5:30." Stevan says with a smile and walks out the door.

I turn around and Bella is right there staring at me. She secretly moved really really close to me within 5 seconds. That's creepy. "Your really leaving me home alone for a few hours while your out having fun with your boyfriend? Ok." She says as she's still staring at me still mad. "Yes I am. Oh and I don't really liking him. I'm only going out with him cause you said I could." I say looking at her with no expression. "Yea I know. But you could have said no ya know but you chose to say yes so deal with it." Bella adds on as she backs away very slowly and goes upstairs.

Wow she's really mad at me. She'll get over it sooner or later. She knows every once in a while I'll go placers without her. Usually she's ok with it but sometimes she has an absolute fit. Like right now. She's being her typical self and I don't know how I put up with it. I don't think Stevan can put up with either. I don't blame him though. I should probably start getting ready to go to the fair cause Stevan will be here soon.

I'm just gonna throw on something comfy to wear since it's cold outside. I'll wear this hoodie with some leggings and boots. Very comfy. My hair will stay down as usual. "Sis he's here. Don't wanna keep your boyfriend waiting." Bella says as she's continuously knocking on my door. "Yea yea ok give me a minute." I say as she finally stops knocking on the door.

Geez she's got some attitude right now. Thank god I don't have to deal with that. I don't know what her deal is at this moment but I'm sure she'll get out of her attitude soon enough. "Bye Bella. I'll be back soon. Text me if you need anything." I shout as I slam the door closed.

Once I'm in Stevan's car he looks and smiles at me. We don't say much as were on our way to the fair. I have no clue how this if is gonna work out. We've never really gone on a first date yet. Is this it? Every time he's around Bella is always here so I'm assuming this is the first date. He didn't say that but I know it is.

Once we get there we buy tickets and everything we need. It was really cold I'm glad I'm wearing what I'm wearing. Stevan slowly attempts to hold my hand. Ha I put my hand inside my sleeve just in time.

After playing a few games and going on a few rides we sit at a table and begin to talk. "So how's Bella doing? She mad or anything?" He asks me. "Oh I don't know what her deal is. She has a massive attitude towards me so I have no clue." I say kinda quietly. "Oh I see. Well I'm glad she's not here. This is technically our first date you know." He adds on. Ha! I knew it. He didn't have to say anything before I figured it out. "Yea I kinda figured." I say as his eyes begin to widen. Maybe I shouldn't have said that? Oh well I don't like the guy so what's the point.

After talking we walk towards the Ferris wheel and get in line for that. I've never been a fan of Ferris wheels but I'll give it a shot. If we get stuck at the top I'm gonna have some problems. I will start freaking out. Luckily were not the only ones on the Ferris wheel right now.

As were going it all of the sudden stops. Probably letting people on I hope. Just then I see Stevan turn to me. "You scared?" He asks looking into my eyes. I nod my head in a scared way as he moves closer to me. Is he trying to keep me safe or something. How sweet. I appreciate how he's all sweet and lovey towards me. I may not like the guy but I enjoy him doing stuff like that.

Ever since I told about the scars he's been watching me I know it. He's been more caring and everything. I know he was concerned about them and I also appreciate him caring so much. Only Bella and him know and they both really care. That's a nice feeling to have.

All of the sudden Stevan is moving closer to me. What is he doing?? Omg he keeps moving closer and closer. Omg he's kissing me. He is kissing me. On the first date he's kissing me. Holy crap dude. If Bella was here he wouldn't do that. Where's Bella when you need her. Now I know how much he loves me. Kissing me on the first date. Slow down.

Ok now he's smiling and moving away. His eyes are all wide and staring at me. "Did you not want that?" He asks confused. "No no I enjoyed it. It was fine." I say kinda lying. I'm shocked he kissed me.

It is a pretty night so I guess that makes it even more romantic. Saturday night, stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel with a beautiful night kiss? Romantic if you ask me. Ok ok we're moving the Ferris wheel is finally moving. Ok we're getting off. Thank god I was about to freak out.

"Ok let's get you home. Before Bella starts calling you a million times." He says taking my hand and pulling me to his car. I smile. Tonight wasn't to bad. I actually kinda enjoyed it. Wait till I tell Bella about the kiss she's gonna freak out.

"I enjoyed tonight. I'll see ya later." I say smiling at Stevan as I get out of his car and walk towards the door. Once I enter the house I see Bella sitting on the couch.

"He kissed me." I say quietly.

"He what!" Is all she says.

"" I repeat slowly again.

Bella is just staring at me in shock. I'm just as shocked as she is. All of the sudden she abruptly gets up from the couch and storms upstairs into her room and locks the door for the night. She's so dramatic sometimes.

Hello guys. So today was the 3rd day of school for me and so far this year is horrible. I think for the rest of the story I'm gonna be writing in characters POV. It's just easier that way. Well I hope you all enjoy.

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