Chapter 10: Ashley

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Bella POV

Well congratulations to Violet. She was kissed last night by someone she doesn't even like! Haha sucks for her. I'm just waiting for Stevan to come over like he usually does EVERYDAY now. It gets kinda annoying. Ya know, being the third wheel and the annoying little sister gets annoying sometimes. It's funny how she doesn't like him though.

I wonder if he'll kick me out of my own house. If he does where am I suppose to go? The secret garden? I can't stay in there for a long time. Sorry dude but your gonna have to deal with me. Today I might as well do what I do best, being annoying.

"Stevan is coming over today I don't know what time though." I heard Violet say as I see her coming downstairs. "I figured as much that he is coming over. He's always here." I say with my arms crossed and rolling my eyes.

"Oh come on get over it." Violet adds on sitting next to me. "He hates me. I'm the third wheel. One day I'm able to be with you guys the next day I'm kicked to the curb and can't do anything." I say beginning to get annoyed. "Aww he loves you. You know it. He even said it himself that he cares for the both of us." She says hugging me.

"Yea but he obviously has way more care for you." I say hugging her back. "Duh. We're dating. Besides I don't even like him." Violet continues on just as the door bell rings. Woo Stevan is here.

"Your not gonna kick me out of my own house are you?" I say rolling me eyes at Stevan. "Just for saying that. Yes, I am. Could you please go outside or something." Stevan says as Violet begins to laugh.

"Fine. It's ok let me freeze outside."I say cause it's very cold outside. "Grab a blanket." Violet suggests. I walk away and head upstairs to grab a blanket.

Since it's freezing cold outside, I'm just gonna stay in my room. In not listening to him. He can't control me. Maybe I'll just do some spying on the two of them downstairs until I wanna go downstairs.

I should go check on Stefano. I don't know the last time Violet fed him. I gotta quietly sneak into her room.

Wow her room is different from the last time I remember. Stefano is fat not that I look at him. He seems to have enough food and water. I'm not leaving just yet, I'm gonna look around at Violets things.

She's always been good at drawing. I almost want to take this drawing of a girl who's sad and show her that I found it. She'd flip out though so I better not.

What's that silver thing? Another razor! Violet your better than that. I'll just take that and put it into my room. Ok I've been up here long enough I'm going downstairs no matter what.

"Don't mind the date on my profile." I hear Stevan saying. "What date?" I ask curiously as I'm walking downstairs. "Who told you to come out of your room?" He says jokingly. "And the date is when my ex Ashley and I, started dating." He continues saying.

"Uh if she's your ex shouldn't you take the date down?" I asked confused. "Yes. But I'm waiting for her to get a new boyfriend so I can take the date down. She insists I keep it there." He sighs after saying that. "Ok then that's weird." I say as I walk into the kitchen.

As I enter the kitchen Violet quietly asks me to make her hot chocolate. Stevan to. So that's what I did. I ended up making three cups of hot chocolate in cute coffee mugs with whipped cream. Then I handed it to them.

"Why exactly is it so bad for me to be with you guys?" I say looking at Violet. "I'm sure if Austin was here he'd be with you guys." I add on with an attitude. Stevan just stares at me. "Because I want to spend time with my girlfriend." He says angrily.

"Oh you do." I say smiling. "Every day might I add. And your always a delight to have around." I add on sarcastically as Stevan caught on to my sarcasm.

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm." Stevan says trying not to freak out. "Oh well your gonna have to deal with it sometimes." I say sweetly and sit down between the two of them. I'm just here to be annoying like I said I would be. If he doesn't like it he can just leave.

"Your beautiful." I hear Stevan saying to Violet. She smiles and says thanks. "I love you so much you know that?" He adds on. "Aw thanks." Violet says sarcastically but he didn't catch on.

"Ahem." I say as I cough. "Bella can I talk to you upstairs?" Stevan says as he grabs my wrist and walks upstairs.

"I know your doing that on purpose." I say as I turn away. He nods telling me that he knows. "I love your sister very much. Some that about the way she speaks makes my stomach turn. And I've never felt that way before. So could you please not be like this right now. I'm sorry about the whole Austin and me thing but could you please leave us alone until I go." He asks politely. "It's pretty obvious your in love with her. Ok fine. But I am allowed down there I just won't be as annoying." I say as I begin walking downstairs with Stevan following me.

After a few minutes of silence I broke it. "So tell us about Ashely. I'm curious." I say beginning to grin. "Oh uh Ashley. I broke up with her cause I couldn't stand her. Even after I broke up she still thinks we're together and it's really annoying. So I try and avoid her as much as possible." Stevan says being very detailed. Violet and I both nod. Violet has been very quietly lately I wonder what's up.

"I'm just gonna come out and say it. Your ex was not very pretty. There was nothing special about her. Just saying."I say as Violet and Stevan are both looking at me shocked. "Thanks?" Stevan says as I sink down into my seat.

I probably shouldn't have said that but oh well. He hasn't been very nice to me today so I have no need to be nice right now. I also said I was gonna come out and say it. They probably weren't expecting that but oh well. That's my option and I'm sure Violet agrees because she's laughing quietly. You can do way better than her dude but ok.

"So tell us about Derek." Stevan says breaking the silence.

Hey guys. It feels like a while since I've written a new chapter. The next chapter will be about Derek. I didn't want this chapter to be to long. Anyways I hope you enjoy.

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