Chapter 3: The Game Plan

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"Wake up!" Violet shouts as she was opening Bella's door and walking over to her curtains to open them.

Bella looks up at Bella and rubs her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"We gotta talk about the game plan." She says to Bella turning around.

"Oh that's right." Bella mumbles under her breath. "Well let's hear it." She adds on hoping her sister had a plan.

"Ok. So, this is what I came up with." Violet begins. "This is what I have so far. Since Austin and you are close friends and his brother is Stevan, I would assume he's gonna be hanging out with us more often. I know Stevan wants to hang out again. Anyways, I'll turn into the match maker I am and I'm gonna get you and Stevan together. We will be a normal group of friends, but I'll be working my way into making Stevan like you. Austin will be there but don't worry about him. This plan should also keep the group together. Let's just hope it doesn't back fire." She finishes, taking deep breaths.

"Sounds like you have this all figured out." Bella says as she begins to sit up. "We'll get into more detail later but that's all for now. Get ready because we're going to that cafe again." Violet says as she's walking out of her room.

"You seem happy today." Bella shouts before the door is slammed shut.

Bella slips on a flannel with some leggings and boots. Her blond hair in a messy braid. Her sister was wearing a long sleeve shirt with some jeans and her hair down as usual. After changing, they were out the door and headed to the cafe.

"No way." Bella whispers once the two of them enter the cafe. Just then, her and Violet notice Austin and Steven there and they noticed Bella and Violet right away.

"Uh that's not weird." Violet says as Stevan was waving at them to come their way. "What a coincidence seeing you two lovely girls here." Stevan says as him and Austin were getting out of their seats to stand up.

"You guys are welcome to sit with us." Austin adds as Bella and Violet began to sit down. Bella next to Austin, Violet next to Stevan. Bella turned over to Austin to see him smiling with his green eyes looking Bella in the face.

"So uh.." Bella begins saying to break the silence. "Do you two come here a lot?" She finishes hoping not to make things awkward. "Yea as a matter of fact we do. You guys?" Austin replays still looking at Bella as Bella nods.

"Hey Violet, Austin wants me to tell you this in private. Mind coming outside for a minute?" Steven asks as Austin kicks him softly to remind him. "Oh uh sure lets go." She says as she's getting up and walking towards the entrance.

"Ok promise me you won't tell Bella." Stevan whispers. Violet nods. "Austin... Likes... Your.... Sister." He whispers, taking breaths in between each word. Violets eyes widen in shock. "Wow ok he does?" She asks shockingly. "Yes. That's why he's been acting weird around Bella. He came to that conclusion a few days before winter break and he wanted me to tell you. Although I didn't know the next time I would see you. I'm glad it's today." He says as he begins blushing. "Ok. I promise I won't tell her. It'll slip out of me sooner or later though. She's probably all suspicious that were out here. I'll ask Austin if I can tell her before I say anything." Violet whispers as she begins walking back inside.

"Wait." Stevan calls out handing her a piece of paper. "Here's my number. We can all text. Give it to Bella if you want." He adds on as he went back inside. So Violet follows him, folding the piece of paper.

She was thinking to herself. Woah ok. I'll tell her in a few days. I don't think she's gonna be happy though. This might just mess up the game plan. I think I can manage this though.

"What did you guys talk about." Bella asks suspiciously. "Oh nothing important." Stevan says with a grin. Bella kinda looks away, facing a wall and not facing everyone. "Something's up." She mumbles. Luckily nobody heard her say that. She really wanted to know what was happening cause when she faces Austin, he was beginning to blush and he was smiling.

Bella was wondering what was happening. Since there obviously hiding something from me, all I wanna do is go home now. I don't like the fact their hiding something from me. Is it about me? Well I had to be or else I would be able to know. What's up. I gotta ask Violet a few questions when we get home.

"Hey Violet, when are we leaving. I just remembered I had some stuff I needed to do." Bella asks shyly. "Oh really what do you have to do?" She asks as Bella kicked her from under the table telling her to play along. "Ooh that's right. Well go soon." She says sweetly.

Thank god she got the hint.

Bella wanted to go to this secret place only Bella and Violet knew about. A year after Bella and Violet met and their parents got married. In the backyard there is this gate leading to this enclosed area. Bella and Violet decided to decorate it. So they got a little bench and a ton of flowers and plants. It's like a little garden. Butterflies love flying around in there. Whenever the two are mad, sad, depressed or anything they like going in there. That's all Bella wanted to do. All alone with nobody bothering her. She just wanted to run away from everyone. Until things settled down and Bella finally found out what the three of them were hiding.

Just then, everyone began getting up to leave. Bella was behind everyone else. Not feeling like talking or anything. Once Bella and Violet were in their car Bella didn't say a word. She didn't say anything on the way home. Once they got home, she went straight to the backyard. Out the fence into the garden.

Violet noticed Bella going out side. Oh no. Better leave her alone for a bit. Or until she decides to come in. Like I mentioned before, I'll tell her everything in a few days. I know that's why she's out there. She's upset cause she doesn't know what's happening. Once she finds out, she probably won't be a happy camper. She'll get over it though.

Hey everyone. I really like the whole part about the garden. It seems so pretty and I want something like that I've decided for the next few chapters I'm gonna do points of views of the characters. Maybe not all but I'm not sure yet. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

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