Chapter 5: Do You Like Her?

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"Sis I have cheerleading practice today." Violet shouts to Bella as she's walking into her room. "Oh ok I'm assuming you want me there?" Bella asks as she's glancing at the box with Violets razors.

"Keep these away from me at all costs." Violet says walking towards the box. "Don't worry I wasn't planning on giving them back to you anytime soon. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore." Bella says with a sigh. Just then Violet walks out of Bella's room and into her own room.

"Violet! Come back here." Bella shouts to try and get Violets attention. "What is it?" Violet asks entering Bella's room. "We should get a little hamster. I think it would be fun to get one. Just don't let mom and dad find out. It's not like their ever home anyways." Bella asks as she's smiling sweetly. "You wanna? Let's go get one then. Common." Violet says as she's heading downstairs. Before Bella leave her room she shouts, "Woo."

Once they arrive at the pet store Bella immediately went to the hamsters. She wanted a robo hamster, one that stays small. "Oooh I like this one Violet." Bella says pointing to a tan little hamster. "Cute." She says. "You wanna get that one?" Violet adds as Bella nods.

Bella then went on to look at the cages as Violet went to go get someone to get the hamster. Bella was looking when she spotted a pink cage. So she grabbed it and walked over to Violet. "Of course she got pink." Violet mumbles as she's rolling her eyes. "Go get the food and some toys and everything else we need." She continues. So Bella did as told.

She first found the food dish. She didn't need a water dish since the cage came with one. Then she found some food and a few toys. Then she went on to find the bedding for it. After that she found Violet who was already at the checkout with the hamster. After paying they were out of the store and heading back to their house.

"Ooh let's name the hamster Stefano." Bella says as she's looking out the window. "Stefano? Then why did you get a pink cage if it's a boy." Violet asks as she's laughing. "I don't know. But I like Stefano. He can stay in your room. Maybe he will bring you happiness..." Bella was cut off by Violet. "Oh just stop." Violet says playfully as she's smiling. "When we get home we'll get the hamster situated then we gotta get ready for practice." Violet says as they arrive at the house.

Right away Bella went into Violets room with Violet following behind her. They put everything in the cage that they bought and lastly the put Stefano in the cage. Then she walked out and got ready to go to Violets practice.


"Austin get ready I have practice tonight." Stevan shouts to his brother. "Ok ok I'm getting ready." Austin says in reply. "You can hang out with Bella. I'm positive she'll be there." Stevan continues saying. "Yea yea ok sure whatever works." Austin says sounding annoyed. Even though he was happy.

"Bella and Violet got a hamster. They named it Stefano. Name curtesy goes to Bella. She posted this all on Instagram." Austin says as he begins walking to his room. "Hahah wow." Stevan says laughing. As he's putting on his football uniform.

Austin changed his shirt into a hoodie and was out the door waiting for Stevan. "Hey I have a question." Austin asks looking at Stevan. "Ok what it is?" Stevan asks as he's getting into his car. "Do you like her? Violet." Austin spits out. Stevan slams on the break and stares at Austin. "Uh I kinda do I guess I don't really know yet." He says beginning to drive again. Austin turns back and looks outside the window.

Once they arrived at the high school Stevan and Austin went their separate ways. Stevan went to the field and Austin went to sit down on the bleachers. Austin soon spotted Bella walking his way. "Hey." He greets Bella. "Hi." She says back.

After a while of talking Bella shouts "OMG Violet!" As she runs down the field seeing her on the ground. "Holy crap Violet, are you ok?" Stevan shouts running towards Violet as well. All the cheerleaders where just standing there and the football players were staring at Stevan. "Ouch yea I think so." Violet says as Stevan takes her hand. "Follow me." He says as he's leading her to a bench. "Stay here." He adds walking off.

A few minutes later he comes back with an ice pack and a towel. "Here. You were rubbing your head. Let this sit on your head for a few." Stevan says looking worried. "Thanks." Violet says as she puts the ice on her head. "Nice one Violet." Austin adds on standing behind Bella. "Are you ok sis?" Bella asks moving closer to Bella. Violet nods as Austin and Bella walk away leaving Stevan and Violet there.

"I hope she's ok." Bella tells Austin as their walking back. "She can't afford to be hurt."she continues on. "I understand. Hey uh, can I ask you a question?" Austin trails off saying. "Oh yea go ahead." Bella says sweetly. " Ok. Will... You... Go... Out... With... Me..?" Austin blurts out very slowly. Bella was speechless. She just stared at him with her eyes widening. She had never been asked out before so she didn't know what to do. "I uh, don't know what to say. I'll have to think about it." Bella says quietly. Austin nods just as Violet and Stevan come over.

"What's up guys?" Stevan asks. "Nothing much. I asked Bella out." Austin says beginning to blush. "Hey way to go." Stevan says laughing. "What did you say sis?" Violet adds on. Quietly Bella says, "I told him I would have to think about it. I'll let him know later." Stevan laughing to himself says, "Haha ok cool. Well let's go. We're gonna follow you guys home to make sure Violet is fine." They all begin walking to their cars.

"Why didn't you give him an answer?" Violet asks as she's getting into the car. "Because. I love the guy but as a close friend. I don't know if I even want to go out with him. Besides what about the game plan?" Bella says as she looks away. Positively Violet puts, "oh don't worry about those two. As long as they go with the flow not knowing what the game plan is we'll be fine."

"You positive? Absolutely positive? I'm trusting you sis." Bella says in a weird tone. "Relax I got this." Violet adds on as she's beginning to drive.

Once they all arrive at Violet and Bella's house Stevan and Austin made sure Violet and Bella made it in ok. Once the door closed Stevan drove off. "I really like her." He mumbles to Austin.

Hey guys. So I haven't written in a few days. I've been busy with getting situated for school and everything. So he's this chapter. I plan on writing the next chapter soon. I hope you all enjoy.

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