Chapter 11: Coffee Shop

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POV Violet

I knew it. I knew he would ask about my ex. I mean, other than him being a total player, there really isn't anything to it. I looked at my wrist watch and looked at the time.

"Hey..uh guys? I gotta head over to my part time job" I say with a smile.

Stevan smiled and said "since when do you have a job Vie?"

Vei, heheh a new nick name I see. "I need the extra money. Dad kinda got mad and refuses to give me an allowance now." I say a bit quieter.

I didn't think twice about leaving Bella and Stevan. I grabbed my car keys and walked
right out the front door. I turned around to find that they had followed me outside.

"If you plan on hanging at the cafe, just be aware I have to take orders" I say with a slight laugh. I got into the drivers seat and Stevan accompanied me in the passengers. Bella took the back seat and then we were off.

Once we got there I walked behind the counter and put on my apron. It was pink with a little black heart in the middle. I tied my hair up with a ribbon and started to clean.

Stevan looked at me and smiled with a pink brushing his cheeks. "Look at you go! Being all independent, working hard etc." he said with a smirk.

I blushed a little at his comment. Bella took a seat next to Stevan at the counter and she rolled her eyes, clearly still in annoyance of the situation we were in.

A few minutes after I checked in, people came pouring in and I was running ramped, taking orders. Stevan and Bella had conversations while I tuned in and out of what they were talking about.

I saw Bella's eyes fly towards the door and they widened. "Uh...sis, take a look at who decided to join the party" she said with irritation clearly present in her voice.

I hesitantly looked towards the door and there stud the last person I wanted to see. Derek Lancaster. My oh so hated Ex boyfriend.

Stevan slightly tilted his head and asked questioningly "Who is that?"

"That my friend, is Derek Lancaster. Violet's Ex" Bella chimed in.

Stevan mouthed the word 'Oh' and looked at me with concern.

I bit my lip and walked over to Derek. He looked at me then looked down, obviously still not over me. Ugh.

Derek sat down at a table with a few of his friends.

"You work here Violet?" Derek said I bit flirtatious

I simply nodded and asked what I could get him. All he wanted was a small iced chai tea. I walked back to the counter and started to prepare his order.

"I don't like him" Stevan said with a smug look.

"Neither do I" Bella said curving her lip.

I sighed and said "how about I finally answer that question of yours Stevan. Since I rather not give him his order right away"

Stevan nodded and I began, "Derek and me were two love birds. No one was able to split us apart and I mean no one. We spent allot of time together and we did everything with each other. I always had an unsure feeling about him sticking to his word though. He would go on and on about me being the only one for him but deep down I knew he wasn't being sincere. One day, I came by his house to drop off something he left at my place, I walked in on him...cheating on me with my best friend. After that I stifled myself from both of them and we haven't been in the best terms" I finished.

Stevan was a bit take back when I mention him cheating with my best friend. He seemed to be at a loss for words so I said, "yea, that's all I had to say about it too when I first found out" with a giggle.

"Yep, unconditionally speechless" Bella said with a nod.

I walked over to Derek and gave him his order. He said thanks and I commenced with my work.

After a few hours I singed out, took off the apron and let my hair down. Bella, Stevan and
I walked back to the car. We drove home and had a late night movie night at our place. Truly, an interesting day.

Hey guys. Shout out to nunufeegi for writing this chapter for me. Half of it was written at school and the other half was written at Starbucks. Lemme know how you like her writing cause she's been helping me out with the chapters. Well I hope you all enjoy.

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