Chapter 2: I Always Thought She Was Mysterious

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"See ya after school." Bella tells Violet as she was getting out of her car. Today was the day where her plan went into action.

Once she walked into her class she spotted Austin. Austin is a pretty good friend of hers. Lately he's been acting weird in Bella's opinion but she doesn't know why. When he spotted her, his green eyes were looking at her as he was smiling.

"What's up." Is what Austin asks Bella once they took their seats. Turning around to face him, Bella says, "Just looking forward to after school. I'm going with Violet to her cheer practice."

"Oh very interesting." He says as Bella was nodding.

Since there really good friends they can talk about anything and it won't be weird. Since they had a sub that day in her one of their classes, Bella and Austin were talking the whole class. He mentioned him having a brother on the football team. His brother coincidentally went to the same school as Violet. He also mentioned how the cheerleaders and football players have practice on the same days, same time.

Bella was thinking to herself. Could his brother possibly be on the football team? She didn't know but it was always a possibility.

After Bella's first class, the rest of the day went by pretty fast. She did her usual and talked to her friends and such. After school right away, Violet appeared in her car.

"Common let's go." She shouts, honking the horn of her car. Bella smiled and hopped in.

"We gotta get their a little bit earlier. I gotta change into my uniform and cover the scars." Violet said, looking out her window.

"You mean..." Bella starts. "You didn't cover your scars today?" She finishes, worried. Violet laughs to herself, "No. I made sure to keep my sleeves down so nobody would see.

Just then, the two appear at Violets school. Violet went to go change and get fixed up while Bella took a seat on a bench.

Bella was sitting when she heard some boy shout, "Hey Eastwood, Ashley is here." He said laughing.

Eastwood. That's Austin's last name. Is that his brother? Austin did mention his brother dating this chick named Ashley. Hmm.

Bella suddenly scooted closer to hear what they were talking about. Then, Eastwood turned around. It was the guy from the cafe. He was number 34 on the football team.

All of the sudden Bella heard him say, "Ashely, for the last time are broken up." She begins to walk away and says, "But are we really broken up."

After she left all the other football players went onto the field and number 34 was making his way towards Bella. "Aren't you that girl from the cafe?" Bella hears a voice from behind her say. So she nods telling him that's a yes. He continues in and says, "Thought so. You kept staring at me." Bella begins to blush at that.

"My name is Steven. I'm guessing your hear for cheerleading?" He finishes. "Yes I am. My sister Violet is on the cheer team." Bella says proudly.

"Ah Violet. I always thought she was mysterious." He says. "Yea she can be mysterious." Bella says as Violet was walking towards the two of them.

"Sis, this is the guy from the cafe. His name is Steven." Bella says smiling. "Way to address him. Anyways, I'm Violet." Just then Bella whispers, "He knows your name." Violet just looks at her.

"You looked good out there." Steven said blushing. His blue eyes staring into Violets teal eyes. All Violet does is nods.

"Sis how were the scars. I was worrying." Just as Bella says this, Violet and Stevens eyes widen. "What scars?" Steven asks with a weird look as Violet kicked Bella. "Oh. Forget I said anything." She adds on. Steven kinda looked away.

Just then she added, "What about Derek. Did he do anything." Violet kicked her again. "Ah yes Derek. He's your ex right?" He asks Violet. "Yes. I will never forget what he did to me." She says.

"It was such a shame. Everyone loved you two together." Steven adds blushing. "I know." Violet says, rolling her eyes.

This whole time Bella was just sitting there thinking to herself. Ok well Steven obviously likes her. But I like him. Although she doesn't know that. I don't think she'll even be interested. She has a line of guys who are willing to go out with her.

After thinking she asks, "Steven. By any chance is Austin Eastwood your younger brother?" He nods, "As a matter of fact, yes he is. Are you by any chance Bella Rosewood?"

Bella nods, "Yes. And this is Violet Rosewood my mysterious sister as you put it."

Steven adds on, "Austin talks about you sometimes. He says your really close friends." Bella smiles, "We are close friends. He's been acting weird lately. I don't know why."

"Hmm that's weird. I'll have to ask him." Steven says as he's getting up. "Well I gotta go. Cya around Violet." He says, slightly blushing.

Violet abruptly gets up with Bella following her. "I kinda like Steven but I think he totally likes you." Bella says quietly.

"Yea well you need to watch what your saying. Scars, Derek that stays between us." She says with an angry tone in her voice. "Wait..." She adds. "You like him but you think he likes me." Violet finishes.

"Well yea. He's kinda cute. But the way he was staring into your eyes proves to me that he likes you. He was also blushing a few times." Aw but you two would make a cute couple. "I want you two together. I'm gonna get you two together. We just need a game plan and let's hope it doesn't back fire on us." She says very happily smiling.

"Ok I'm ok with that. Good luck." Bella says quietly. "I have to admit, you can be mysterious. I like it"

Hello. So I had to rewrite this chapter as well. Sometimes I can was so smart ya know. Anyways I think I like this version of the chapter better than the other version I wrote.

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