Figure Skating

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"What are you doing?" A five-year-old boy name Min asks as he approaches his much older sister, Shine.

Shine was sitting on the couch with a throw pillow on her lap in front of their TV.

"Watching," she answers with a smile.

"What are you watching?" he asks again as he sits beside her.

"Sochi Olympics- Men's figure skating," she answers again and pats his head.

"What's that?" curious Min asks.

"Well, the Olympics is a sporting event that happens every four years; one of the sports is figure skating, and Sochi is a city in Russia, " Shine informs.

"Winter Olympics was last held here in Canada— in Vancouver, to be exact," she added. 

Suddenly, Shine tickles Min, "And you were just a baby back then, and you are not this noisy..." 

"...Stop!. Please stop!" Min— can barely utter words because of his laughing— pleads.

Shine stops and sits back straight, "Shhh, now, be quiet! I'll tell you more later," she orders as she pins her eyes on the TV screen.

Now representing Japan:
Yuzuru Hanyu

Shine is immediately captivated by the way Yuzuru smiles from the TV screen. Her heart suddenly beats fast, and she blushes.

"Why are you so red?" Min asks Shine, but she is too focused on the TV screen to hear him.

Parisian Walkway starts to play, and Yuzuru moves —playfully, sexy, and teasingly.

Yuzuru prepares to enter his first jump. He uses his left toe pick to vault in the air. Shine held her breath as he rotated four times in the air and landed with a deep-knee landing. Yuzuru's quad-toe-loop was done successfully.

Flying Camel Spin then Change foot Sit Spin

"I want to do that!" Min suddenly tells Shine, pointing to the TV screen.

"Do what?...skating?" Shine asks, but her eyes are not leaving the TV screen. 

Min nods, but Shine doesn't see it.

Yuzuru speeds up for an edge jump with a forward take-off and lands a  triple axel— the most difficult figure skating jump. He has two more jumps scheduled— triple lutz and triple toe-loop. Shine holds her breath again —she seems more nervous than Yuzuru itself. Yuzuru jumps landed everything with ease making everything look so easy.

Shine exhale in relief as the commentator said that all Yuzuru's jumps are over; she enjoys the rest of the show.

After less than four minutes, Yuzuru's performance is over. For the first time in about an hour of watching Men's Single Figure Skating—a short program,  Shine feels that it's way too short and wanted more. Yuzuru bows his head and smiles at all the spectators at the stadium but Shine feels that Yuzuru is looking and smiling only at her. Shine blushed briefly again. Shine composed herself and finally face Min.

"You want to figure skate? I thought you want to be a pilot?" Shine asked Min as she touched his head.

"Yes! I still want to be a pilot but what that guy just did was so cool. Plus, he's making people happy and I want that too!" Min tells Shine and the excitement in his voice is obvious.

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