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Their eye contact breaks when Shine feel a sudden headache; she feels like someone is hammering her head.

"Aww.."Shine suddenly said holding her head.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"Allen asked with concern.

"No! It's just my head is a little achy but it will be gone once I take a med"Shine answer.

She get a tablet out in her purse and drink it.

"Is your head hurt all the time?"Allen asked more, he sounded more like a doctor this time.

"No!not really. I know you are a Med. student but this is nothing. And beside the weather is kinda hot today maybe that's why"Shine said and smile.

A minute later, their phone rings. Shine stand up from her seat to answer the phone while she massages her head with her index and middle fingers.

"Hello"Shine answer.

"Shine?" a familiar voice from the other line said.

"Yuzuru?" Shine asked. Shocked, she dropped her hand as she can't believe Yuzuru is calling.

"Hmm" Yuzuru answer confirming Shine's inquiry.

Hearing Yuzuru's voice makes Shine forget, how angry she was at him for not contacting her for the past month. And Shine also forget that her head is in pain too —or the medicine she had taken must really works fast and effective.  

 "Why did you call?" Shine asked more.  

"Ahm..."  Yuzuru answer but Shine's attention suddenly shift when the door opens and Mom  and Dad appear. 

Allen stand up from his seat and greet her parents.

"Hello!" He said while wave his hand to them.

Her Mom greet Allen as she enter.

"Oh!hi Allen"

Dad enter too, following her mother  and he look at Shine. Shine bow at him and smile. She points the phone to say that someone is on the line.

"O..kay" Dad said and signal her to continue what she's doing.

"Sorry about that, my mom and dad just got back from their work"Shine explained. "Wait, isn't it too early there for you to call me?" Shine suddenly asked.

"Is Allen there?" Yuzuru asked ignoring Shine's question.

"Yes!" Shine said looking at Allen and her parents. Her lips curve upward while she look at them. In fact, she might actually forget that Yuzuru is still on the phone for a moment.

"Can you stay until dinner Allen? we will get Chinese today" Mom said.

"Sure! That sounds great" Allen said.

"What is he doing there?" Yuzuru asked again.

But Shine did not give any response.

"Shine?...Shine!"  Yuzuru call her name to get her attention back.

Then Shine remembers that Yuzuru is still on the other line.

"Sorry, what was that again?" Shine asked.

"I said why is he there?" Yuzuru repeats himself.

"Ah...Well ever since you go back to Japan, Allen and me been hanging out a lot lately" Shine said.

"By the way, why are you calling me thru my landline? You could've phone me in my mobile"

"Kinda long story but to make it short I needed to call you because..." Yuzuru pause.

"Because???" Shine said, urging Yuzuru to finish.

"...because I want to hear your voice" Yuzuru said.

Shine flatters when she hear those words from him.

"Wait, I'll go to my room, it's too loud in here" Shine said blushing and she rush to her room upstairs, disappearing from her parents and Allen's sight.

"So where were we? want to hear my voice?..But you can just call me in skype or viber me. You didn't have to spend a lot in a call, especially overseas calls" Shine said.

"Well it's worth it! Hearing you, it's a money well spend" Yuzuru said and Shine can hear a hint of smile in his voice.

Shine feel that her face becomes hotter and redder.

"Mikka?...I mean Mikka might misunderstand this" Shine suddenly said stopping herself from further drowning in that sweet moment.

"Misunderstand what?" Yuzuru asked and Shine can tell that he's enjoying the fact that she is starting to get jealous.

"This...You calling this least there, it's too late or too early" Shine said.

"Hahaha" Yuzuru laugh. "She understands me and 'this' I'm sure she knows" Yuzuru added, Shine can hear the confidence in his voice.

"Okay! I just don't like misunderstanding"Shine said.

"Shine what do you want? we are getting Chinese!" Her mom shouts from downstairs.

"JUST GET ME ANYTHING" Shine shouts too while she cover the mouthpiece of the phone.

"Yuzuru I think I will have to go now, thank you for calling me. And you should sleep more since it's still early there. I will email you, bye" Shine said.

"O..kay..bye...and since I  already heard your voice, I think I can sleep now. I'll be expecting your email" Yuzuru said and they both hang up.

Shine emerges from the sight of her parents and Allen.

"Who is that?"Mom asked.

Shine put down the phone and walk towards her mom and Allen.

"Yuzuru" Shine said with a happy tone in her voice and get the plates in Allen's hand.

Her dad, sitting on the couch of the living room with his laptop on, asked Shine too.

"I thought he's in Japan?"

"Yes! And he's still there but he said he can't sleep, that's why he calls" Shine explain to them while she puts the plates in the table.

"He must be suffering from a jet lag. When I go to other countries with different time zone as ours, I also suffer from it" Allen said.

"C'mon Allen it's been a month since he left, I don't think it's still a jet lag" Shine defended Yuzuru.

"So why do you think he can't sleep then?" Allen asked her grumpily.

"So why do you think he can't sleep then?" Allen asked her grumpily

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